Topic 3 – Sun, Moon and Stars

Primary 2 are now blasting off into Outer Space! We are going boldly into a new topic to investigate the sun, the moon and the stars.

This will include a Moon Diary to record the different phases of the moon and we will also create a giant display of the Solar System.

We started by focusing on the moon. We split into 5 teams of 4 pupils and each pupil had to write down 1 thing they knew about the moon plus another opinion chosen by the whole group.

Each group then presented their 5 sentences to the whole class. They came up with some great ideas.

We are learning all about 2D and 3D shapes and we have been challenged to find examples all around us.

As part of our topic we had to collect lots of junk from the house and turn it into a 3D model of a space shuttle. We planned them, built them, painted them and evaluated them. Take a look, we think they are incredible…

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