Star of the Week!

Each week a pupil is chosen by the teacher (sometimes the pupils) for displaying exceptional behaviour, a great attitude to school or outstanding work… sometimes it’s all 3.

It’s an honour to be Star of the Week and everyone tries really hard to get it.

But there is also a prize…

Star of the Week gets to take our class mascot home with them for the whole weekend, Barney the Bear. They can let Barney join  in all sorts of fun things at home and we love to hear all about it on Monday when the Star brings him back to school.

31st August 2012 – Well done Ben.

 Our first star of the week in the new term!

7th September 2012- Congratulations Eva!

Eva was our star of the week for being very helpful and following the golden rules all the time!

14th September 2012 – It’s Ciaran!


Ciaran follows the rules and tries very hard with his work in class. He definitely deserves to be our star of the week!

21st September 2012 – You’re a star Faikah!

Faikah tries hard in class and works very well at all her tasks. She always follows the class charter. She was not very well at the beginning of term so hopefully Barney will cheer her up!

28th September 2012 – Woo hoo Courtney!

Perfect day to be star of the week when Mum and Dad visited our class! Courtney is a star pupil and works really hard in class. She gets lots of warm fuzzies for helping her friends and she shows others how to follow our class charter.

5th October 2012 – Well done Jamie! You get Barney.

Jamie is always very polite and helpful to his friends and teachers. He follows the rules in class and in the playground. Jamie always tries hard at every task and will help a friend if they’re stuck. Congratulations!

Friday 2nd Novemeber – It’s Megan G! Well done!

Megan works very hard and tries her best to follow the rules. She likes to help others and is very good at tidying and sorting. I hope Barney has fun at your house with your new little brother!

Friday 16th November – Well done Erin McGarty!

Congratulations Erin, you have been chosen as Star of the Week because you follow the rules and you always complete tasks given to you. She makes sure her group are organised and Erin likes to help teachers and pupils if they have a job to do.

Friday 23rd November – Woo Hoo Eve!

Eve works very hard in class especially reading and drawing.

Friday 30th November – Congratulations Ava!

Ava follows the class rules and is very deserving of Barney this week.

Friday 11th November – Well done Calvin!

Calvin has came back after the holidays and has been working extra hard and is showing a very sensible attitude! You really deserve Barney.

Friday 18th November – It’s Lewis and a Big Happy Birthday to you!

Lewis has tried extremely hard this week and has show he can follow the rules and instructions all the time. And it’s his birthday today so it makes this an extra special weekend.

Friday 25th January – Aye ken it’s the braw Molly, Weel done! (on Burns Day!)

She helps others, follows the rules and tries really hard when completing all her tasks. Fantastic!

Friday 15th February – Yay it’s Kaleah, fantastic job!

Kaleah is a very polite, well mannered girl and is very deserving of Star of the Week. She is also on our Rights Respecting School council which shows how caring she is of others! I’m sure she’ll take great care of Barney.

Friday 22nd February – It’s Craig! Fantastic.

Craig has tried really hard to get Barney. He works very hard and his writing has been super thanks to lots of practice so well done!

Friday 1st March – Congratulations Aaron!

Well done Aaron. You have been chosen as star of the week for following instructions and keeping to the rules. I hope you and Freya have a lovely weekend with Barney.

 Friday 19th April – Well done Chloe!

Chloe has been following the rules and listening really well. She has been helpful to others and definitely deserves Star of the Week. I hope Barney has lots of fun at your house!

Friday 24th April – It’s Jaden

Fantastic Jaden, I bet the whole family will be delighted and very proud that you are star of the week. You have tried your best by following the rules of the class charter, being very quiet in class and around school and trying to help others when they needed it. Super!

Friday 3rd May – Molly! Again!

Molly was off for a little while and has been a superstar coming back with a big smile on her face and working extra hard to catch up on all her work. We’re glad to have you back and we hope Barney looks after you!

Who will be our next Star of the Week?

7 thoughts on “Star of the Week!”

  1. Well Done Lewis we are so proud of you. Sorry it’s late wee man
    Love Mum Dad and Naiomi xxxxx

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