Check out our Topic 3 page to look at photographs of the class designing and creating their very own space shuttles, using only junk!
After they were finished we had a museum in the class to go and explore other peoples models and evaluate them using descriptive words.
Here’s what we all thought, do you agree…
Erin – fandabbydozy!
Eva – pointy bits, really good, fantastic and can’t believe we made all of them using JUST junk.
Abbi – Wee Bobby dazzler (sounds like Hamish McHaggis to me!)
Jaden – So good he was going to faint.
Jamie – didn’t expect them to be so good and we must have all used our imaginations.
Ciaran – Awesome.
Aaron – Really good.
Kaleah – Great.
Courtney – Nice.
Shannon – Brilliant, good job everyone!
Megan B – Gorgeous.
Eve – Better than any rocket in the whole world.
Molly – Lots of detail.
Faikah – Rosey and nice. Making models of Olympic stadiums in P1 must have helped and we have learned something!
Ava – Twice as good as Miss Slamin’s.
Megan G – Excellent!
Lewis – Shiny, colourful and amazing.
Calvin – Aweeeeessooooommmmeeeee!
Go have a look! They really are as great as we’ve said. Parents and carers will get a closer look at them during Parents Consultations as they are displayed outside our class.