P2S’s Wishes

P2S are learning more about Rights Respecting Schools and as part of that are having ‘R Time’ once a week to learn how to talk to each other nicely and respects other peoples opinions.

Today they were told Miss Slamin could grant them 2 wishes with her magic wand.  They had to discuss it with a partner and then share with the whole class.

Here is what they wished for –

Craig – An Audi and his Pops to come back

Courtney – A computer and her cousin’s Nanny to visit

Molly – Lots more books and to go on holiday to Florida for 1 week

Ben – Sweets and it to be his birthday every day

Ava – Grandad Bob to be alive and a limousine

Chloe – Chocolate and Abbi Jean to come back

Abbi – Camera and a computer

Shannon – a unicorn and Papa John to be alive

Ciaran – Chocolate and a teddy

Erin – Grandad to be alive and her dog to have babies

Jaden – Wants to be a baby again and Gran to be alive

Eva – A BIG teddy and a house

Lewis – everyone to have a great life and everyone in the class to get a cute teddy

Megan G – a really cool house with a turret and her Great Grandma to come back alive

Eve – an invisibility cloak and a  lot of books

Faikah – a magic mirror and own video camera

Calvin – big sister to be here and be a Super Baby

Jamie – get everyone a pet rabbit and a giant teddy the size of the role play

Megan B – a toy car and her own drivers license

Aaron – wants to be Superman and a fire engine

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