Tasty 3D Cubes!

P2S were set a challenge to work as a team and work out how to make a 3D cube using only toothpicks and marshamallows.

Each team decided which job each person should have, a timekeeper to check the clock, a facilitator to help others, a quality checker to ensure fairness and keep everyone on track and a reporter to share at the end, with the rest of the class, how their group managed it.

Miss Slamin set aside 15 minutes for this challenge but they only needed 5!

Lots of discussion went on about corners, sides, faces, 3D, squares, same size, equal… and the groups were working like real mathematicians.

Check out the photos –

3D Junk Models – Space Shuttles

Check out our Topic 3 page to look at photographs of the class designing and creating their very own space shuttles, using only junk!

After they were finished we had a museum in the class to go and explore other peoples models and evaluate them using descriptive words.

Here’s what we all thought, do you agree…

Erin – fandabbydozy!

Eva – pointy bits, really good, fantastic and can’t believe we made all of them using JUST junk.

Abbi – Wee Bobby dazzler (sounds like Hamish McHaggis to me!)

Jaden – So good he was going to faint.

Jamie – didn’t expect them to be so good and we must have all used our imaginations.

Ciaran – Awesome.

Aaron – Really good.

Kaleah – Great.

Courtney – Nice.

Shannon – Brilliant, good job everyone!

Megan B – Gorgeous.

Eve – Better than any rocket in the whole world.

Molly – Lots of detail.

Faikah – Rosey and nice. Making models of Olympic stadiums in P1 must have helped and we have learned something!

Ava – Twice as good as Miss Slamin’s.

Megan G – Excellent!

Lewis – Shiny, colourful and amazing.

Calvin – Aweeeeessooooommmmeeeee!

Go have a look! They really are as great as we’ve said. Parents and carers will get a closer look at them during Parents Consultations as they are displayed outside our class.