This term our new topic will be ‘Living Things’.
During this topic, the children will learn about:
- The differences between living and non-living thing
- Their senses and using these to explore
- Various characteristics of animals and plants
- Planting seeds and how to look after them, observing how they grow
You can help your child by:
Looking at living things, plants and trees in your garden or the park, as well as animals, birds etc and discussing what they need to help them grow.
Percy The Park Keeper
- We will be reading some of the ‘Percy the Park Keeper’ stories during this topic in order to explore and appreciate how Percy helps to look after and care for the birds, animals, plants and flowers in the park and what we can do to help protect and care for the ‘living things’ in our environment.The children are excited about this topic and are especially looking forward to turning our role play corner into Percy’s hut.Keep watching this page to see photos and examples of our work as we progress through the topic
From Mrs Foy and P2F
22.04.13 Today we had lots of fun making mini beasts out of clay. It was very messy, but we enjoyed it. We had to think about the features our mini beasts would need e.g. a spider needs 8 legs, a butterfly needs 2 wings etc. We are leaving them in the class to dry and then we will paint them next Monday.
29.04.13 Well, our clay minibeasts have been drying for a week and now it’s time to paint them. We researched our minibeasts in books and on the internet to find out what colour they are so that we could be accurate when painting them. Here we are busy painting….
WOW! Good work P2F, your models look fab!
Our marvellous mini-beasts!
Percy The Park Keeper Activities
Role play fun in Percy’s hut
Percy Bingo – I wonder who will win?
We are busy using construction to create Percy’s garden.
It was lots of fun making the clay minibeasts. I made a butterfly and painted it lots of different colours.
Your butterfly is absolutely beautiful Murron.
From Mrs Foy
I enjoyed making the clay bugs. It was lots of fun.