Category Archives: Events

Autumn Rambles

This week we all went on our Ramble with Pudsey.  We enjoying being outdoors, looking at the signs of Autumn and taking part in challenges.  First we had to find Pudsey…we searched through the crunchy brown and red leaves and looked high and low.


Pudsey had been busy and set us a challenge to look for items…..

We had a great time!

Thank you to everyone who helped by going with us on the ramble.


This year the nursery raised £185.60 for Children in Need through the sale of the official merchandise and kind donations.

Primary one, here we come!

This is always a very exciting time of year, as we prepare our pre-school children for their transition to ‘big school’. In addition to small group and pre-school group activities in the nursery, they’ll be visiting their primary schools over the next few weeks.

Please take notes of important transition dates, and refer to your letters for detailed information:

4 June: New P1 parents’ evening
6 June: Stay and Learn for the purple group
11 June: Moving Up Day – classroom visit

3 June: afternoon activity session for nursery staff and children
20 June: P1 classroom visit

16 June: P1 classroom visit
17 June: Moving On Day

Owls – real, fluffy owls!

We were very lucky to be visited by 3 beautiful owls on Tuesday of this week. Oscar, Bonnie and Edward were soft to touch and we learned about lots of interesting things as Neil explained the difference between the three owls. We revisited the meaning of ‘nocturnal’ and learned that owls enjoy rats and chicks for breakfast! Yikes! We also compared size, as Oscar was very small, Bonnie middle-sized and Edward very large. Never a dull moment at Bathgate West!

Grandparents’ Day

We once again opened our doors to grandparents and special visitors last week, and the children were bursting with excitement! Our guests of honor were invited to enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and scrumptious delights, kindly donated by our nursery parents/carers. We recorded clips of our children expressing why they love their grandparents, and treated our guests to a viewing of the recordings. It most certainly brought a tear to the eye!
The children sang songs and involved the grandparents in outdoor play – a lovely and busy time was had by all!