A busy week

We have had a busy week at Bathgate West Nursery; we took part in a vote to decide what our favourite theme was for the Newlands Day Procession.

Using gold stars each child voted placing the gold star at their favourite one, the outcome of the vote was counted by the children and Mrs Bett. This year we have picked to walk as ‘under the sea’.

This week we have also been talking about different elements within the world around us such as volcanos and lava, the snow melting because of the sunshine. We have also been discussing what other things we could melt using our fire pit or heat, therefore we will be focusing on the World Around Us as we return next week from other February Break.

On Thursday we took part in the book bug gifting event – gifting our Ante-preschool children with their Explorer gift bags from a very special guest…BookBug!

The children took part in reading The Disgusting Sandwich story and were invited into their small groups to recreate their very own slug slime disgusting sandwiches. There were some disgusting creations made by the children.

You can have a look at our Book Bug events by following the link to the sway! https://sway.com/41yelX7V7k2NYkwm


A busy time at BWNS

This week in nursery we have been continuing to learn all about Scotland, the children are very interested in this topic and enjoy practicing the Scots nursery rhymes, we even perform them on our stage!  The children have also shown interest in going to the moon on a rocket ship – we even spotted the moon outside nursery in the morning!  We then cut out circle shapes and coloured them in to make the moon, we have been researching the other planets within the solar system so we can create them.  The children have also been looking round the globe to find countries they have visited and want to learn more about.
This week we have also become very helpful superheroes; we transformed our physical area into a superhero fast car to help us catch the bad guys – we coloured in our fire wheels and stuck them onto the tunnel to make it look like it’s going super-fast.  During this we have been talking about how superheroes are helpful – because they don’t just catch bad guys.  The children could share their ideas and have been expressing how they are helpful heroes at nursery.
“We can help people if their stuck and can’t do it”.
“We can share our toys”.
“Helpful heroes help tidy the toys up”.