Exploring, creating and lots of imagination

Despite the changeable weather we have made it outdoors for lots of play this week and there has been plenty of creative play using our crates, reels and tyres and lots of messy and muddy play at our mud kitchen. Our garden has developed lots of lovely big puddles too, so please remember to send your child to nursery in wellies and clothes that you don’t mind getting a bit mucky…… as learning can get messy!!!

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Our Happy Nursery

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Alfred Alligator has been teaching the boys and girls about being kind and helpful at nursery, using gentle hands and kind words can make our friends happy. We know we can help our friends in lots of ways, by sharing, including them in our games, helping to tidy away our toys and following instructions, just like Alfred!

Eggsciting news!!!!

There is a buzz of eggscitement around the nursery this week with the arrival of our eggs and incubator. We have been talking about how to keep them safe and look after them whilst they are in our care. We shall be counting down the days until they begin to hatch and starting to think about names we would like to give our chicks.

So there have been some chick songs and lots of chick related crafts this week as we prepare to meet our feathery friends!

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Sunny Spring Days

The sun has come out and it’s finally feeling like Spring time! At nursery we have been embracing the Spring feeling and have been developing our writing skills using words from our blossoming Spring tree…

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The sun has inspired us to get busy in the Rainbow room where some of us have replicated Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ through painting or collage. What do you think of our Sunflowers?

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With the sunshine out we have made the most of outdoor play this week and our outdoor ‘room’ is being set back up after a cold and wet winter. Take a wee look at just some of the things we have been discovering outdoors…. from water play to diggers, mud kitchen to dens, drawing to weaving, we have been investigating and creative in our play.

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