Our happy nursery!


Last week we had the very lovely Gino Giraffe helping us to learn why it is important to look after our things at nursery and how this can help to make our nursery a happy place to be. When we look after our things they last longer, everyone can enjoy them and we always know where they are! Gino spotted lots of boys and girls who were helping to look after the toys in our nursery by playing gently with them and tidying them all away when they were finished.

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Green Flag Award

Last week the Eco Team were rewarded for all of their hard work following a very positive Eco Schools assessment…. Bathgate West has once again been awarded their Green Flag Status!

A big thank you to all of the parents who continue to give up their time to help the Eco Team and the children for their efforts demonstrating what responsible citizens they are becoming already. Well Done everyone! 100_3605