Halloween Parties

It has all been a bit spooky at Bathgate West this week, with all of our Halloween activities in full swing, carving pumpkins, decorating pumpkins and filling our cauldrons all leading up to our Halloween Parties on Thursday. The children enjoyed the celebrations and looked fabulous in their super costumes.

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Farmer Bert needs our help!

It has been a very exciting week as boys and girls at Bathgate West Nursery have been receiving some letters from a special friend called Farmer Bert asking for their help. Bert wants to be a Farmer and is hoping the boys and girls can help him learn about farms, harvest time and food that comes from farms. He has been sending letters setting the children challenges to help him. So we have been very busy this week finding out what we know about farms, building tractors, making Scarecrows and even making our own bread!

Have a look at our very busy week….so busy that it must be time for a holiday!


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Signs of Autumn

Our new topic Autumn and Harvest has now started within the nursery following on from the children’s interests and observations of the seasonal changes around them. This week the Rangers service from Beecraigs arrived to explore some of the autumn changes with the children in our nursery garden and beyond.

Inside the nursery we have been busy exploring autumn colours with lots of creative art work, singing (and dancing) about autumn leaves and we have even set up our own little bird watching platform as we have been watching the birds enjoy some of the treats we have been leaving on our bird table and window bird feeders.

Here are just a few of the activities that the children have been busy with this week…

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Mud, mud, glorious mud!

The children have enjoyed being involved in developing their mud kitchen in the nursery garden this week. It is an ongoing project and the children have lots of ideas about what they need in their mud kitchen …. “we need an oven”, ” we need some spoons to stir” and “more mud!”. As the main appeal  of the mud kitchen its to get messy, please can we remind you not to send your child to nursery in their finest! We are waiting for more all-in-one water proof suits and hopefully some more welly donations to come in to help reduce the mess a little.

The lovely weather has meant that we have been able to get out our large building bricks and barrels and the children have been busy creating castles, bridges and wibbly wobbly roads.

Take a look at our week at nursery and read what some of our children have enjoyed most about their week….

“I like playing in the mud kitchen making lettuce soup.” River

“I’m cooking jelly soup in the mud kitchen.” Aileigh

“The play dough smelled of niceness.” Willow  (it was lavender play dough this week!)

” I like making bridges with the bricks.” Ethan

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