This weeks learning in the Nursery

It’s been a busy week in the nursery, with lots of imaginative and creative play including building and putting out a ‘fire’, trekking through the jungle and we have even had an invasion of dinosaurs in our gardens! We have been making some natural art work outdoors and have been developing our ICT skills at the computer indoors. Take a look at some of the things we have been getting up to and what the children have had to say about their week at nursery….

“The dinosaurs live in the jungle.” Kaiden D

“I like going outside to play with the bikes and scooters.” Louie T

“I was helping people get their cars to the garage to fix them up.” Regan F

“I liked group time.” Adam C

“I can play the trumpet.” Mac F

“I like having picnics with my friend.” Megan C and Amy K


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