All posts by Mr Murphy

CPD Bulletin 25th April

Your Exams 2014

‘Your Exams 2014 – What you need to know’ (our guidance and advice on preparing for exams, conduct in exams and results) was recently issued. A key message is the need to complete papers using pen. Please remind candidates that they must use pens with blue or black ink (not gel pens) and that they should write legibly and neatly.

Candidate malpractice in external assessment

Our publication, Candidate malpractice in externally assessed examinations and assessments, has been updated and will be available to access on our website at from Friday afternoon (25 April 2014).

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Assessment Arrangements Team on 0345 213 6890.

Continue reading CPD Bulletin 25th April

Self Evaluation Leading to School Improvement

Staff CPD session 28th March 2014
I would like to take the opportunity to gather the views of all staff in relation to our School Improvement Priorities for Session 2013-2014.
A number of our colleagues will deliver very short presentations on the progress made in a number of areas. Staff will be assigned to particular presentations. This will allow us to gather information on an individual basis and a faculty basis. Please see table below.

CPD Bulletin 17th March

From SQA Centre News

Appointee opportunities, Advanced Higher

We are currently seeking applications for Advanced Higher Physics Research Investigation Markers – see for details.

We are also seeking applications for Advanced Higher Item Writers and Item Checkers – see for role profiles and application forms.

You can help provide CPD opportunities for your staff by circulating these links and supporting applications.

Continue reading CPD Bulletin 17th March

CPD Bulletin 10th March

Route maps through assessment

Minister for Learning, Dr Alasdair Allan recently put in place a package of support for secondary schools to help deliver the new national qualifications. This support included new route maps through Assessment and these are now being published on the Education Scotland website.

Calling all teachers of Access 2 and National 2

We are reviewing Access 2 Units that are not part of a Course. Many of these will be refreshed as new National 2 Units for delivery from August 2015 (when dual running has finished). Others will be replaced by the National 2 Units that are currently available for centres to deliver. You can read our proposals at where you can also provide your feedback. The closing date for completing the survey is 31 March 2014.

Update letters

Continue reading CPD Bulletin 10th March

CPD Bulletin 3rd March


The first one on 12th March may be of particular interest as it focuses on social science students at Dundee and Angus College who have been using diverse assessment approaches. It will demonstrate how the students show evidence of their learning in a variety of ways including role plays and posters. Lots of students will be progressing to HEIs so you may also be interested in Webinars 2 and 3 as they focus on what the universities are doing re reviewing that there is a shared understanding of assessment standards.

Webinar 1: Series: Making Assessment Meaningful: Diverse Assessment Approaches – 12 March

Webinar 2: Series Making Assessment Meaningful: Marked Improvement – 26 March

Webinar 3: Series Making Assessment Meaningful: PeerWise – 09 May

Webinar 4: Series Making Assessment Meaningful: Assessing Creativity – 28 May

Continue reading CPD Bulletin 3rd March

ICHS Inset Day 18th February

Inset Day Agenda

  • 0845 – 0900. Head Teacher Update – D McMaster
  • 0900 – 0915. Remove Procedures – J Wood
  • 0915 – 1030. Learning and Teaching Session – S Young/L & T Improvement Team
  • 1030 – 1100. Coffee Break
  • 1100 – 1200. Learning and Teaching Session – S Young/L & T Improvement Team
  • 1200 – 1230. New Attendance Procedures – S Young
  • 1230 – 1330. Lunch
  • 1330 – 1530. Working in Departments under the direction of Principal Teacher Curriculum

ICHS Inset Day 28th October

Inset Day Agenda

  • 8.45 – 9.15. Whole Staff Meeting – D McMaster
  • 9.15 – 9.45. Verification Process & SQA update
  • 9.45 – 10.30. National Qualifications & Working under direction of PTC.
  • 10.30 – 11.00. Coffee Break
  • 11.00 – 12.30. National Qualifications & Working under direction of PTC.
  • 12.30 – 13.30. Lunch
  • 13.30 – 15.30. Verification/Moderation activities at various locations. (See attached sheet)