Educating Ruby

I recently finished reading  “The Learning Powered School” and “Educating Ruby” by Guy Claxton.   I reflected on these two books which inform the theory and approaches of “Building Learning Power”. These books informed my thinking on planning and teacher talk in the classroom, as well as how I discuss skills and learning attributes with my students. This builds on work highlighted in “Mindset”  by C. Dweck  has had a major impact on how I talk to and discuss targets with my students. I have begun to discuss and model growth mind-set language and have seen a gradual shift in my students’ attitudes and approaches.  While the books above were very theory based, “Educating Ruby” is a much easier read.  It is a book which could easily be aimed at parents and all educational stakeholders rather than just educators.  It features views from children, parents, teachers and employers and highlights the need for reform of The UK education system and offers practical, evidence-based, ideas for teachers which do not require wholesale change, but a gradual shift.


Steven MacKenzie

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