CPD Bulletin 15th December


In this bulletin:-

Advanced Higher support events

Prior Verification Service

Art and Design Practical Assessment web page

National Literacy Units: guidance on assessing Talking and Listening

Understanding Standards packs and events materials

Internal Assessment Support Materials

Workplace Assessor and Internal Verifier courses

Advanced Higher support events

We are running subject-specific support events from January 2015 to April 2015 to support the new National Courses at Advanced Higher in Session 2015-16.

The events will provide updates on Course delivery and assessment and will be interactive, with the opportunity for delegates to engage in workshop sessions and discussions.

Places are limited with no more than one place per subject per centre. Early booking is advisable. Please request the event that is closest to your location.

The events are targeted at principal teachers, faculty heads and course/subject leaders. Centres can send anyone they consider appropriate. Local authorities are welcome to reserve places for professional support staff.

Dates and subjects available

Please book through our online booking system

Prior Verification Service
Our free Prior Verification service for HN and NQ Units is available to any of you who devise your own instruments of assessment or who wish to significantly change items from the National Assessment Bank to suit your particular local needs. We strongly encourage you to use the service for your own instruments of assessment and associated marking schemes, particularly if they haven’t previously been externally verified.

The service, which can take up to six weeks to complete, provides feedback that will give you confidence that your instruments of assessment are fit for purpose and do not compromise standards. Our experience clearly shows that prior verification can prevent problems arising later when a Verifier reviews your materials.

We encourage centres who have had their materials prior verified to consent to sharing these on our secure website so that other centres can access and learn from the materials. You can indicate your consent when you complete theCentre Prior Verification Request Form, which you can download from our Prior Verification page. (You can access a full list of all published centre-devised assessments on our website).

Art and Design Practical Assessment web page

The following documents about the 2015 Art & Design Practical Assessment are now available for download on our dedicated Practical Assessment web page).

  • Art and Design Key Dates
  • Design Brief Evaluation Forms
  • Briefing Notes
  • Notes of Information for Teachers/Lecturers for Internal and External Assessment
National Literacy Units: guidance on assessing Talking and Listening
We have published two new guidance documents on assessing talking and listening skills in National Literacy Units.

Supportive practices in assessment of Talking in National Literacy Units aims to help teachers and lecturers in assessing Talking skills, where learners have additional support needs. This could include, for example, learners who have anxiety disorders such as selective mutism (where learners speak fluently in some situations but remain silent in others) and learners who are reluctant to speak in particular situations.

Assessing deaf candidates in Talking and Listening in National Literacy Units shares methods and examples of good practice in assessing both Talking and Listening Skills with deaf / hearing impaired learners.

Both documents are now available fromwww.sqa.org.uk/cfeliteracysupport

Understanding Standards packs and events materials
Throughout session 2014-15, we are publishing a range of Understanding Standards materials to assist with developing understanding of the national standards that should be applied when assessing candidates’ work.

The packs are available from our secure website and teachers and lecturers can arrange access to them through their SQA Co-ordinator. They must be stored securely and treated as confidential.

Events materials can be accessed through the updates and announcements section of oursubject pages.

Packs published this week:

  • Chinese (Mandarin Simplified and Mandarin Traditional)
  • Computing Science
  • Drama
  • ESOL
  • French
  • Gaelic (Learners)Additional subjects will follow over the coming weeks, so please check Centre News for regular updates.
Internal Assessment Support Materials
The following new and revised internal assessment support materials were published in November and early December:

  • HN ASPs: Administration and Information Technology; Construction; Fitness, Health and Exercise, Music Business
  • HN ASP: Mathematics for Construction (H72L 33)
  • NQ ASPs: Built Environment; Computing
  • NQ TAP: Construction – Painting and Decorating

To see the complete list, please visit our internal assessment support materials web page.

In last week’s Centre News we incorrectly reported that a NAB for Early Education and Childcare was published in November. We are sorry if this error caused any inconvenience.

Workplace Assessor and Internal Verifier courses
We are running workshops on the Workplace Assessor L&D9DI Units/PDAs and the Workplace Internal Verifier L&D11 Unit/PDA. Courses will run each month until March 2015 and are now available to book.

Further information and booking forms:

Workplace Assessor

Workplace Internal Verifier

  • SQA Updates

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