CPD Bulletin 17th November


In this Bulletin;

Delivering National Qualifications: Guide for SQA Co-ordinators 2014-15
Understanding Standards packs and events materials
Accounting: Support materials for Course assessment
National Qualifications 2015: External assessment – alternative venue
NQ Examinations: Transcripts for Language Listening Exams
Revised HN Communication servicing Units
HN Sciences remediation
Meeting the requirements of the Workplace Assessor L&D9DI Units/PDA
Meeting the requirements of the Workplace Internal Verifier L&D11 Unit/PDAs
Upcoming NQ key dates
Scholar CfE Updates – various subjects
Continue reading CPD Bulletin 17th November

Modern Studies MSA Conference – 1 Nov 14

All 3 Modern Studies Teachers attended this event at Glasgow Queen Margaret Union. All delegates received a presentation from Dr Alan Britton (Glasgow Uni) regarding lessons to be learned from Scottish Independence Referendum. This was extremely useful for all delegates as it gave further insights into voting behaviours which could then be brought back to both Adv Higher and Higher students.
Continue reading Modern Studies MSA Conference – 1 Nov 14

RME National Engagement Event – Friday 31st October

This event was aimed at stimulating forward thinking approaches to the key areas of development from the RME Impact Report issued by Education Scotland in 2013. Time was given to evaluate the aims, strengths and areas of development within the Impact Report and space to engage in dialogue with others about how best to move RME forward in schools. The workshops provided were a useful process of self-evaluation about how to measure the impact of RME in our own settings. I attended a workshop about engaging with RME in the senior phase as a non-timetabled option in S5 and S6 which I will hopefully take forward in discussion with colleagues and senior management. This event has made me think about the opportunities we currently have for wider achievement in the school and the explicit links that could be made to RME particularly with senior students. It was useful to engage in discussion about the purpose and impact of RME with a range of practitioners from primary and secondary, principal teachers, deputes and head teachers.

Teachers as enquiring professionals

Teachers as enquiring professionals

Monday 27th October 2014 saw the teaching staff of Inveralmond Community High School come together to look at Moderation within the BGE under the direction of the Tracking Implemento Group.

Lindsey Duncan, PTC Languages started the first session by engaging staff with a very informative presentation from Education Scotland looking at the “Professional learning resource: assessing progress and achievement paper”. This gave a great insight into the thinking behind the paper.

From this, staff then divided into their curricular areas to look at this paper in more detail. Staff very enthusiastically dissected the paper and then discussed the important messages arising. This was an extremely informative session and when staff came back together as a large group it highlighted some good practice already taking place across certain faculties and how others are currently assessing pupil work.

Session two started with Jen McKenna delivering a practical presentation on how to use the resources available from Education Scotland to moderate within the BGE. She highlighted that when moderating we need to look at the teacher / pupil voice and demonstrated how progression pathways show skills development and how this linked directly to Blooms taxonomy.

Staff then looked through the “assessing progress and achievement paper” and the progression pathway for their curricular area.  Discussions about the significant aspects of learning (SALs) and key messages arising from the paper followed with staff started to link this to current S1-3 course work and delivery.

Using the curricular area paper staff then took on board the opportunity to moderation an example of S3 work. A series of reflective questions were used to determine if we felt pupils were successfully working towards/demonstrating a particular SAL.  This opportunity allowed thought provoking conversations to take place, which I am sure will lead to even more positive experiences being planned for our pupils.

CPD Bulletin 10th November


Understanding Standards packs and events materials
Throughout session 2014-15, we are publishing a range of Understanding Standards
materials. These materials are for teachers and lecturers, to assist them in
developing their understanding of the national standards that should be applied
when assessing candidates’ work.

Release 2 of our Understanding Standards packs is underway. The packs are available
from our secure website and teachers and lecturers can arrange access to them
through their SQA Co-ordinator.
They must be stored securely and treated as confidential.

Events materials can be accessed through the updates and announcements section
of our subject pages.

The following subjects have been published this week:

  • English
  • Biology
  • Chemistry

Continue reading CPD Bulletin 10th November

CPD Bulletin 3rd November


All Business Education subjects Marking Instructions now available

All the Business Education subjects – Accounting, Economics, Business Management and Administration marking instructions, including National 5 Administration and IT, are now available on the subject pages of our website.

Post-results Service helpdesk
Please remember that our Post-results Service helpdesk is now closed. Please speak to your CfE Support Manager if you have any further enquiries. Alternatively, you can contact us on 0303 333 0330.

Continue reading CPD Bulletin 3rd November