Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

November 10, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Inveralmond Early Years

The children have been sharing their experience of watching firework displays.  Lots of discussion around colour, sounds and keeping ourselves safe.   We have been busy in the art area recreating fireworks.

An inspector from the Care Inspectorate made an unannounced visit to Inveralmond Early Years last Thursday and Friday.  The report of this inspection will be available in due course.


November 9, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Parents Appointments at Ladywell Nursery and Inveralmond Early Years Centre

There is an opportunity to meet with your Child’s Key worker and discuss their progress. 

Appointments can be made for either the 16th November from 16.20 to 18.10 or the 24th November from 12.50 to 14.50.

Children in Need

We shall be fund raising for “Pudsey” on the afternoon of the 16th November and the morning of the 17th November.  The children can wear their P.J’s or something Spotty and can bring a small donation if you wish.  

Stay and Play 

Starting from 9th November, 2017

There is a sign up sheet in the Nursery cloakroom if any parents or carers would like to come and “Stay and Play” with their child for an hour.  

November 9, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Free PEEP Groups -starting soon

Do you have a child aged 0-3 years?  Come along to one of our free PEEP groups and have fun singing songs, listening to stories and chatting with other parents/carers.  Give your child the best start possible.

Groups run on:

Tuesday 1.30pm to 2.30pm…/peep-three-poster.pdf

Wednesday  1.30 – 2.30pm babies 3 weeks to 1 year…/baby-peep-poster.pdf

In the family room at Inveralmond Early Years Centre

If you would like more information or to book a place please call 01506 537000


November 9, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Ladywell Blog 9.11.17

Last week the children demonstrated their curiosity as they explored a range of sensory experiences as part of our Halloween celebrations. They had the opportunity to explore pumpkins, glittery purple spaghetti and gluck, a mixture of cornflour and water.

These experiences provoked plenty of discussion and sharing of ideas. They also had the opportunity to develop their creative ideas at the art and craft table.

They were presented with various ideas and techniques which they were then free to develop in their own unique way. We also enjoyed singing Halloween songs, listening to Halloween stories and sharing experiences of dressing up and going Trick and Treating!

October 30, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Ladywell  Blog 


Children have been engaging enthusiastically with the story of The Gingerbread Man, listening to the story and joining in with the parts they are familiar with. This has led to discussion about gingerbread at the dough table and the morning children had an interesting time investigating fresh and powdered ginger, smelling it and trying to get the dough to smell of it! We have made some stick puppets to further support the retelling of this story.

Our Autumn table has been added to with several different sizes squashes alongside a pumpkin. These have provoked lots of interest and discussion, comparing sizes, shapes and colours.

Children have been collecting and transporting leaves outside, one day they became the food for some pigs! Leaves and other natural materials have been brought inside to add to collage pictures and model making.

27th October, 2017 

October 27, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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West Lothian Council – on-line survey

The Community Learning and Development service has asked us to share a link to an online survey with parents/carers. Responses to this will help them in their planning process and they urge as many people as possible to participate. The survey will close on 23 November and the link is:

27th October, 2017

October 27, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond Early Years

As the children have explored Autumn they have become increasingly interested in light and dark.  They have investigated ways to build “dark dens”using different materials and used torches to see each other when inside.  They have extended their learning through story telling in the dens with the yellow group making up their own spooky story for Halloween.  We have started to research shadows – what things cast shadows?  Why do we have a shadow and also had a bit of fun with shadow puppets.

There has been a lot of rain (another sign of Autumn) so there has been a great deal of water outside.  Children have investigated floating and sinking , classifying items through discussion and testing.

27th October, 2017

October 13, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond Early Years

The weather has not put us off this week the children have been experimenting with water and guttering, learning how to make the water run fast and slow and  how to make it run in different directions.

We have continued to learn the names of different vegetables.  We have tasted lots of new vegetables, made soup and enjoyed roasted vegetables for snack.


The children have also enjoyed experimenting with a variety of texture

d play dough, clay and dried foods using a variety of mathematical language when discussing size, weight and shapes.

13th October, 2017



October 13, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Ladywell

There has been a lot of interest in mark making both indoors and outdoors, many drawings showing a lot if detail, children trying to write their names and using notebooks to support their imaginative play. Children have also been using magnetic letters to create their name and other familiar words.

Some of the children were very engaged in a game in which they rolled a die, counted the spots and then jumped along the number line that number of times. They were careful to touch each spot as they counted it ensuring they were counting ‘how many’ accurately.

Threading beads drew a lot of interest and several children were keen to develop this further and make necklaces.

Outdoors there has continued to be  an enormous amount of investigation and experimentation going on in the enormous puddle ! The children are increasingly able to cooperate with one another as they fill and empty containers and discover ways of building structures with the guttering for water to flow down.



13th October 2017

October 6, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Ladywell Nursery School

The children have been using natural materials from the garden to create pictures and models and using colours we associate with autumn in their paintings. Squirrels are continuing to be a source of interest in the garden.

We had another enormous puddle which children immersed themselves in, quite literally! Lots of investigative play and also discussing why we wear certain types of clothes and shoes in the wet.

There have been numerous spectacular models made with the blocks indoors. Children are particularly interested in building high structures at the moment and comparing their own height to them.

Some children have been working hard to write their names and are noticing letters that appear in both their names and in other names.


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