Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

December 15, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond EYC

We have been very busy doing lots of different Christmas activities.   The children have been learning how to follow and continue patterns using Christmas stampers, they have been making and writing Christmas cards and letters to santa.

Our games table has continued to be very popular the children are fully engage with the Christmas games, taking turns and following the rules!

December 15, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Ladywell Nursery School

Christmas has continued to be of great interest this week, unsurprisingly!

The children have contributed to the floor book as we continue to discuss winter. We have all enjoyed hearing some of the antics that elves have been getting up to in some homes!

We also discussed ice and snow noticing how slippery it can be. We wondered whether we could make ice. Some of the children decided we could try by putting water outside in a tub and  some in the freezer. These experiments are on going, we will keep you posted about what we discover.

The art and craft table has also been well used with children developing their creative and imaginative adeas using a range of interesting collage materials. We have also seen some great cooperation between children as they have worked together to create interesting junk models.

December 8, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond EYC

This week started off with the children decorating the Christmas tree.  They are very proud of their efforts and we all think they have done a great job.  

We have been doing lots of Christmas activities in the art area.  The children have been practicing their cutting skills on recycled Christmas cards, wrapping lots of different shaped boxes and creating lovely Christmas pictures with a variety of materials.

We have been playing lots of table top games to encourage the children to turn take and follow the rule of a game.   This could be continued at home – great fun for all the family.



November 29, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Christmas in Inveralmond Early Years and Ladywell Nursery School

The information about Christmas in nursery is now available, please click on this link to get our latest newsletter.

November 24, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week at Inveralmond

This week the children have enjoyed playing outdoors in the puddles.  Lots of experimenting with water.   Working together with guttering and tubes to make the water run in different directions and at different speeds.

The children have made bird cakes to feed the birds and have been watching to see what different kinds of birds come into the garden.   We have recorded our findings on simple charts.


November 24, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Play, Talk Read Bus

The Play Talk Read Bus will be at the bottom of the Inveralmond Community High School Car par on Monday, 27th November.  You are free to take you children along  to visit this resource.  See the poster for further details.

Play Talk Read Bus Poster

November 24, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in the Two’ s 

The morning children have shown great perseverance lately using the safety knife to cut up different fruit and vegetables.

Initially, the children found the vegetables challenging to cut through but with encouragement and daily opportunity to do so they have shown a huge increase in their fine motor skills and are so pleased with themselves that they have managed.

In the afternoon the children have took well to the new snack menu, willing to try new foods and some of the children have enjoyed the food so much they have asked for more.


The snack menu’s are displayed weekly and staff are happy to share recipes with you if you would like to try them at home. The pea and spinach soup has been the favourite so far!


November 23, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Ladywell Nursery School

We made spinach and pea soup for the first time today and it was a great success! The children thought it was delicious. Many children were eager to smell the vegetables before popping them in the pot with the other ingredients.

Here is the recipe if you would like to try it at home.


Pea and Spinach Soup

4 Spring onions chopped

1 large potato cubed

200 g spinach, chopped

200g frozen peas

600ml vegetable stock

Place all ingredients in a pan and bring to boil, blend once potato is cooked.

Outdoor Play this Week 

Our children love to play in the rain. They are curious about the water that lies in puddles and eager to experiment with it, collecting it in buckets, sweeping it with brushes, pouring it into soil and making mud. We don’t want to stop them as we know how much they are learning as they play.

Sometimes they do get wet, even when well dressed in wellies, waterproof trousers and jackets. Please remember to leave a full set of clothes in their nursery bags so that they can continue their learning as they change out of their wet clothes and into dry.

Thank you.


November 23, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week the children at Ladywell

The children have been making soup! We have introduced real vegetables into our home corner and the children can cut them using our special safety knives. This gives them the opportunity to develop the strength and coordination of their fingers and hands, explore the different vegetables using their senses and talk about using a knife safely. It also leads to discussion about different foods and how vegetables are good for us to eat as they help us to be healthy.

We are now making soup each week in the nursery for snack and  involving children in the preparation. Some children were a little reluctant to try the soup last week but this week many more found that it was quite delicious!

We also cut up our pumpkins and butter nut squash that had been on our display and roasted them in the oven.


On Thursday and Friday afternoon children wore their pyjamas and/or spots for Children In Need. We painted a Pudsey face to cover with coins  and decorated and made Pudsey faces in the art area. There were some small Pudsey cards to find in a Pudsey hunt in the garden. This event gave us the opportunity to discuss giving in order to help others and also to talk about spots and patterns.


November 20, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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In Inveralmond Early Years this Week

This week at story time we have been reading traditional fairy tales and some children have been using puppets to retell the stories.


Outdoors there has been a lot of interest in the birds flying over.  We have been feeding them and are going to explore further different types of birds and why they fly south at this time of year.

We have had fun raising funds for children in need.  The children have particularly enjoyed dancing to the Pudsey song in their pyjamas.


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