Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

May 18, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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Inveralmond Early Years Centre 18th May, 2018


We have had a fantastic week in IEYC this week.

We have been hunting mini beasts in the garden.  We found various insects and enjoyed learning the different names, matching and sorting, counting legs, identifying patterns, recording our findings and drawing our own mini beasts.

As you may know there is a Royal Wedding at the weekend and we have been learning all about weddings.  We have learned lots of new words, we have been writing invitations, drawing the brides and groom, making our own flags dressing up, dancing to music, learning about shape while making cucumber sandwiches cut into rectangles and triangles.  We also baked and enjoyed wedding cake.

We would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who has brought in photos, news paper cuttings and various other things to contribute to our learning wall.

Please remember there is a local holiday on Monday so nursery will be closed.

May 17, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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18th May 2018

We have been very busy in the garden this week. We planted some more potatoes, moving the bags into the sun hoping that this will help them to grow. We are remembering to water them too. We also planted some seeds in a big old water tray filled with compost, We are hoping to grow carrots, green beans, nasturtiums, calendulas and sunflowers. Lets hope the weather stays nice and warm and we see some shoots poking up though the soil soon.

We have also been making some dens using our new standing poles as supports.

Please remember to put sun cream on your child before they come to nursery when the weather is sunny. Our garden has a lot of shade but it is better to be well prepared. We have sunhats that the children can borrow on especially sunny days.

May 14, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School.
Thank you for your generous offers of help for the nursery trips to Beecraigs.

We decided to limit the number of parent helpers to two per trip as this gives the opportunity for most children to experience an outing, independently, without their parents…perhaps for the first time.

The children are being offered the opportunity to be part of a small group, travelling in a bus and exploring a new environment with their nursery friends. There will be several staff members going to ensure there is a safe ratio of adults to children.

We are hoping that the children will have an exciting experience that they will be eager to tell their parents/carers about. We will take lots of photos to share with parents/carers via the blog.

May 11, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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After leaving some potatoes on the windowsill for a short time to allow their shoots to sprout we planted them in potato sacks and have left them in the garden to grow. We will keep covering the plants as they grow, as this will encourage them to produce more potatoes, and give them plenty of water. We will harvest in the autumn, cook them and eat them in nursery. Delicious! Next week we are going to plant some beans and sunflower seeds in special little plastic pockets which we attach to the window. We will put a wet towel in the pocket and then a bean or seed and watch as it starts to grow roots, a stem and then leaves.Come a take a look.

We found some fantastic footage of farm animals on YouTube this week. There were lots of different types of animal and we were able to listen to the sounds they make. It was well worth watching and provoked lots of interest and discussion.

Everyone should have been given a letter about our trips to Beecraigs Country Park. We are only able to take children who have returned a completed excursions form so please make sure this is returned to nursery as soon as possible. We need a few parents to help with each group, there is a sign up sheet in the cloakroom.

May 11, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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 Inveralmond Early Years Centre

This week in Inveralmond we have been mini beast hunting, learning the names of different insects, discussing their appearance and counting their body parts.

11th May, 2018



April 27, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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The children have been busy outdoors discovering many different ways to explore and investigate the garden.


Some have been using treasure maps to support their imaginative ideas.

On Friday morning many children joined in an outdoor dancing session!

The farm animals have been provoking lots of interest, discussion and sharing of experiences.

If you have any farm experiences you would like to share, photos or words, please add them to our thinking and talking wall/display

April 27, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond Early Years

This week in Inveralmond we were visited by Firefly Drama Group and some students from Inveralmond Community High School. They provided two workshops one of which was art and design and the other drama.  The children were very keen to get involved and thoroughly enjoyed both.

We made delicious banana bread for snack this week which was very popular.

Some children have also enjoyed experimenting with a variety of ingredients to mix up and make magic potions.  Using mathematical language and making predictions.

April, 27th

April 26, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Our word building focus is currently on farms,starting of with identifying and naming farm animals and their young. The words are available in the songs and rhymes section of the blog under ‘Farm Vocab’

Look out for signs in the nursery that we are thinking and talking about farms and farm animals and if you have any experiences to share please contribute to our thinking and talking table and display, on the right just past the snack table.

April 20, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond

The children have been enjoying the sunshine.  The outdoor area has been very busy.  Children have been using the climbing frame to challenge themselves physically and we have been discussing keeping ourselves safe and turn taking.


We have continued to talk about the changing seasons, planting and growing.  We plan to do a variety of planting activities next week.

20th April, 2018

April 20, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Another busy week in which children have been enjoying the lovely weather! The mud in the garden has dried up allowing children to get outside without having to wear quite so many layers of clothing!

As children participate in parachute games they are learning to cooperate with others and work as a team. They also discover the strength of the wind and how to use the energy of the air to make the parachute float.


As children climb and balance they are developing  strength in their body, developing  control and how  to move in different ways. They are also assessing risk ensuring they are moving safely and developing an awareness of others as they share the play space.

Using toys to develop their ideas and interests, creating structures or investigating how things fit together and move.

Enjoying the challenge of something new and difficult and developing  perseverance and resilience alongside developing new ways of controlling and moving their body.

Please remember to send children to nursery in clothes that are suitable for playing in the garden and  that there is a complete change of clothes in their nursery bag…just in case, thank you!


On Tuesday 24th April there will be an art workshop taking place in nursery in the afternoon and on Wednesday 25th April there will be a drama workshop taking place in the morning.

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