Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

March 22, 2019
by User deactivated
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Outside in the garden this week the children have really enjoyed blowing bubbles using different size/shape bubble wands.  Lots of language was used and lots of fun was had by all!



March 18, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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 Ladywell Nursery School and Inveralmond Early Years Centre

March 18th2019

As part of my current role in the nursery I have been inviting children to come and play a range of attention and listening games. Good listening, sitting still, looking and listening at the person who is talking and listening to all the words are the focus for these games.

All the children have been offered the chance to play and most have opted to come and join in and keen to come again.

For the next few weeks we will be working on  activities in which we keep a steady beat. This is like clapping or marching in time to music . We will also be exploring rhythm where we will clap or tap syllables of words, starting with their names and familiar objects.

I would be very happy to chat to anyone about the work I am doing at any time. I will be around both nurseries on parents evenings if anyone would like to talk to me about the games we play and about my role in the nursery supporting literacy development generally.

Mary Crichton


March 11, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell Nursery School

Gifting of Bookbug Explorer bags

The children born in 2015 are being gifted their

Bookbug Explorer Bags this week at

Ladywell Nursery School.

These are lovely packs which contain three books for you to read together at home, an activity book with crayons and a cd with songs, music and rhymes on it.


March 8, 2019
by Ms Pilmer
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This week in Nursery we have been talking about the different types of weather and how it makes us feel.  In the outdoor area the children built a shelter using the logs given to us from the tree surgeons.   They enjoyed stories and snacks inside their den.

We have also been making smoothies which has been very popular and the children have been tasting and learning  the names of a variety of fruits.  Lots of understanding and use of mathematical language during the preparation.

This has led us on to revisiting what foods are healthy and what is not.


March 1, 2019
by Ms Pilmer
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This week in IEYC the children have been very busy in the garden using the mud kitchen to make cakes and pies and then onto magic potions.  Lots of team work and good use of language.

Some children were interested in the tree surgeons working in the field opposite they very kindly brought various sized cuttings to the garden and the children have been building with them and learning more new words such as bark, tree sap, twig and branch.

Indoors there has been colour mixing with water, paint and playdough.  The children have been experimenting and recording their findings.

In the snack area some children have been squeezing the oranges to make juice so we are planning on making a variety of fruit smoothies.

January 30, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Box Clever at IEYC and LNS


The vocabulary focus for the next few weeks will be on the theme of winter. Look for the displays in both nurseries.

the words for the next week are:

snow  ice   wind    rain  cold   dark   light  frost   storm    flake

sleet  hail  snowman 

Next week the words will be:

white   black   dark  light  cold  warm  freezing  melting   sparkling   shiny  wet   slippery

And the week after:

slide   slip   shiver  chatter   shake  sledge  defrost  scrape  dig  build  

January 29, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell and Inveralmond.

January 28th.

Some wintery songs and rhymes.



Look at the snowflakes falling down,

Falling down, falling down,

Look at the snowflakes falling down,

It’s winter time again.


Look at the robin hopping along,

Hopping along, hopping along,

Look at the robin hopping along,

It’s winter time again.


Look at the trees they have no leaves,

Have no leaves, have no leaves.

Look at the trees they have no leaves,

It’s winter time again.


Put Your Coat On

Put your coat on, put your coat on,

And make yourself nice and cosy.

Put your coat on, put your coat on,

And come on outside and play.


Put your hat on, put your hat on,

And make your head nice and cosy.

Put your hat on, put your hat on,

And come on outside and play.


Put your scarf on, put your scarf on,

And make your neck nice and cosy.

Put your scarf on, put your scarf on,

And come on outside and play.


Put your gloves on, put your gloves on,

And make your hands nice and cosy.

Put your gloves on, put your gloves on,

And come on outside and play.


Put your boots on, put your boots on,

And make your feet nice and cosy.

Put your boots on, put your boots on,

And come on outside and play.



I’m all of a shiver, I’m all of a shake,

The bitter cold weather has frozen the lake,

The ducks are a-waddle, they don’t know what to think,

They peck at the ice and can’t get a drink,

So, we’ll take a bowl of water each day,

Down for the ducks, ‘til the ice melts away.



(Tune: Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush)

On Monday I put red socks on, red socks on, red socks on,

On Monday I put red socks on and snuggled them over my toes.


On Tuesday I put blue socks on, blue socks on, blue socks on,

On Tuesday I put blue socks on and snuggled them over my toes.


On Wednesday I put yellow socks on, yellow socks on, yellow socks on,

On Wednesday I put yellow socks on and snuggled them over my toes.


On Thursday I put green socks on, green socks on, green socks on,

On Thursday I put green socks on and snuggled them over my toes.


On Friday I put orange socks on, orange socks on, orange socks on,

On Friday I put orange socks on and snuggled them over my toes.


On Saturday I put black socks on, black socks on, black socks on,

On Saturday I put black socks on and snuggled them over my toes.


On Sunday I put purple socks on, purple socks on, purple socks on,

On Sunday I put purple socks on and snuggled them over my toes.


The Weather Rhyme

Smile like the sun, cry like the rain,

Frown like a sky full of clouds.

Hide in the fog, race like the wind,

Pat your knees the thunder is loud!

Tap, like hail on the window,

Sit still, you’re frozen like snow,

In showery weather , crouch down all together

Pretend you’re a seed and then grow!



I’m a Friendly Snowman

(Tune: I’m a little teapot)

I’m a friendly snowman big and fat,
Here is my tummy and here is my hat.
I’m a happy fellow, here’s my nose,
I’m covered in snow from my head to my toes.
I have two bright eyes so I can see,
All the snow falling down on me.
When the weather’s cold I’m strong and tall.
But when it’s warm I get very small.

Five Little Snowman 

5 little snowmen standing in a row,
Each had a hat and a big red bow.
Out came the sun and it shone all day,
1 little snowman melted away.
4 little snowmen standing in a row,
Each had a hat and a big red bow.
Out came the sun and it shone all day,
1 little snowman melted away.
3 little snowmen standing in a row etc….


January 11, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell Nursery School

January 11th 2019

Happy New Year!

At Ladywell this week children have been investigating rolling.

This started with a child discovering that some shapes rolled better than others when pushed across the floor.

Children were then supported in investigating this further outdoors using the guttering.

Patterned rollers were also available in the art area for children to use creatively.

Go to the songs and rhymes section to find some songs that realte to this current learning interest.

Take a look at the floorbook for more photos and the childrens comments about their experiences.

We are planning to provide more experiences to further investigate rolling and also look at forces  more generally. e.g. pushing and pulling, magnetism

Many thanks to all who donated to The West Lothian Foodbank , the items were greatly appreciated by the foodbank who collected the items at the end of term



December 6, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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This Christmas the nursery would like to donate to the West Lothian Foodbank which supports families across West Lothian.

If you would like to donate here is a list of food items that they are currently needing:

Instant Potatoes

Dried Rice

Curry sauce

Tinned tuna / meat

Tinned custard/rice pudding

The West Lothian Foodbank’s website states that they have over a years supply of beans and pasta so please try to avoid donating these items!



December 3, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Inveralmond Early Years Centre

Gifting of Bookbug Explorer bags

The children born in 2015 are being gifted their Bookbug Explorer Bags this week at Inveralmond Early Years.

These are lovely packs which contain three books for you to read together at home, an activity book with crayons and a cd with songs, music and rhymes on it.

The children at Ladywell Nursery School will be gifted their bags in the Spring once a new batch  have been delivered.

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