Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

June 7, 2019
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This week in Ladywell nursery the pre-school boys and girls enjoyed visiting their new P1 teachers and classrooms.  Take a look to see how much fun they had!

June 4, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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June 4th 2019

The describing words for Box Clever this week are as follows:

Inveralmond (Tools)

sharp  blunt  heavy  light  pointed   shiny  dull  metallic

wooden  long  short  hard  soft  smooth  rough

Ladywell (Bees)

small  winged  striped  black  yellow  brown  green  colourful

sticky  noisy  scented  sweet  waxy  hexagonal  tasty  busy

May 31, 2019
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This week in Ladywell nursery school the boys and girls have enjoyed learning about why bees need nectar from flowers.  We set up a pollination station with toy bees, flowers, powder for the nectar, pictures of flowers with their different named parts, information books and magnifying glasses.  We looked at videos on You Tube of the bee’s collecting nectar, why they need nectar and what they do with it. They then enjoyed the experience of role-playing with the bees and flowers and some could tell me why the bees need nectar.  The children have also shown interest in bees through constructing their own bee designs using blocks and the small tap a shape resources.


May 28, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Our focus for Box Clever, an approach to support vocabulary development,  over the next few weks will be ‘Tools’

The children have shown interest in tools for some months and with the introduction of the tinker tray, where they can take old machines to bits, they have further developed their knowledge of tools and how they are used.

The naming words are listed below:

nail  screw  nut and bolt  chisel  hacksaw  saw  hammer

mallet  drill  screwdriver  electric screwdriver

adjustable spanner


May 27, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell 27.5.19

There has been great interest in bees since finding some had made the tree trunk in our garden into their home!

Thoughts and ideas from the children have been put in the floor book and we have set up a small display of photos, books and objects about bees to provoke further discussion.

We decided to develop the interest further by using it as our focus for exposing children to new vocabulary through our Box Clever approach.

Our naming words for this week are:

bee  wings  abdomen  thorax  eye  insect   legs   antenna  stinger

swarm  hive  honeycomb  wax  hexagon  honey

flower  petal  nectar  pollen stamen


We are also learning a couple of bee rhymes!

5 Little Bees

1 little bee, flew and flew,

The bee met a friend and that made 2.

2 little bees, as busy as can be,

Along came another one and that made 3.

3 little bees looked for one more,

Found one soon and that made 4

4 little bees, going to the hive,

Saw a buzzy friend and that made 5.

5 little bees, working every hour,

Fly away bees and find another flower


Here is The Beehive 

Here is the beehive,
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive. One…two…three…four…five!

Here is the beehive,
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them land on the floor.

Here is the beehive,
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the tree.
One…two…three! Buzz…buzz…buzz.

Here is the beehive, Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive. One…two…three…four…five.
Buzzzzzzzzz…they’ve all flown away!

May 24, 2019
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This week in Ladywell nursery school the children have enjoyed investigating lots of mini beasts in our nursery garden.  They found slugs and snails which they enjoyed placing inside the bug magnifiers to examine further.  One child was given the opportunity to put the snail she found into our tank that has large African snails inside.  Please feel free to take a look, they are situated in our art area.


May 24, 2019
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This week in Ladywell nursery school pre-school children visited Harrysmuir primary school to take part in ‘green gym transition’.  They helped to plant flowers and decorate plant pots for our fun day on Sunday 16th June.   They had lots of fun working alongside the P6 pupils and Mrs Gardner, Principal teacher.   They learned the process of planting and enjoyed using their own imagination to paint whatever they wished on to the plant pots.  Well done boys and girls!



May 17, 2019
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This week in Ladywell nursery the boys and girls have had fun planting peas into little house pouches.  They were encouraged to follow instructions on how to wet cotton wool and add inside the house pouches placing the peas on top.  Overtime the children can observe the peas growing in the pouches as they have been displayed onto the windows at our art area.  Well done boys and girls!



May 17, 2019
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This week in Ladywell nursery the children have had fun outside in the nursery garden whilst playing with the parachute.  They were encouraged to follow instructions to play different games such as keeping the ball on the parachute without it falling off, lifting the parachute up, shaking it, running under the parachute and sitting underneath it.  Lots of fun and laughter was had by all!



May 14, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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The Scottish Book Trusts Bookbug App  is free to download and  has many rhymes and songs for you to enjoy together with your children.

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