Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

August 28, 2020
by Ms Crichton
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Stories of the Month

We choose a story to focus on for a month in each nursery. This is to support the children in their vocabulary development, sequencing, prediction and recall. They also have the opportunity to develop their imaginations and use toys and props to develop their story telling skills.

We focus on different types of vocabulary each week.

Week 1-naming words

Week 2- describing words

Week 3-action words

Week 4- using all the words together.

Each week the words we are focusing on will be  displayed here on the blog.

Inveralmond-Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Week 1-naming words

house   bear   girl   Goldilocks  table   bowl   porridge   spoon   chair    bed


Ladywell –The Three Little Pigs

Week 1- naming words

pigs    mother    wolf    house   straw    wood    bricks   roof   chimney    fire


August 28, 2020
by Ms Crichton
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Rhyme of the Week

Incey Wincey Spider

Incey Wincey spider

Climbed up the water spout.

Down came the rain,

And washed the spider out.

Out came the sunshine,

And dried up all the rain.

Incey Wincey spider,

Climbed up the spout again!


August 21, 2020
by User deactivated
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It’s great to welcome the children back to Ladywell nursery and to meet our new children who have settled in really well.  They have had a fun week learning lots of new skills…

August 17, 2020
by Ms Crichton
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‘Rhymers will be readers, its that simple.

Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are four years old, they’re usually among the best readers by the time they are eight’

Mem Fox, Reading Magic

We have a ‘Rhyme of the Week’ at nursery which will be posted here on the blog with the words and a link to the rhyme on YouTube.

Enjoy saying or singing the rhymes together with your child at home.

This week our rhyme is



Once I caught a fish alive!


Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so,

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on my right

June 11, 2020
by Ms Crichton
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Start by making your walk into a treasure hunt, sort and count what you find and match your treasures to numerals if you can!

To make it a bit more difficult try and find a specific number of things and place next to the correct numeral.

Compare the things you collect and have a chat about which is hard/soft, long/short, heavy/light,rough/smooth.

What do you have more of, less of, did you collect the same number of anything?

June 11, 2020
by Ms Crichton
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We often have caterpillars in the nursery at this time of year and watch them as they grow and change into butterflies.

As you play outside or go for a walk see how many different butterflies you see.

June 4, 2020
by User deactivated
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I hope you are all healthy and safe.
I have attached a literacy booklet onto your child’s learning journal.  Please take a little look for some fun play ideas.

If anyone is having trouble logging into your child’s learning journal please call us on 01506 537000 and we can reset your login for you.

Have a lovely day,





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