Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

October 6, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond Early Years


We are continuing to talk about Autumn so conkers, acorns and other signs of Autumn would be appreciated.

We have been exploring light and dark as the children noticed the change in the season.  They have been investigating the best materials to use for making dark dens inside and out so they can talk to each other by torchlight.

The children have been developing their independence and becoming responsible for carrying out helpful tasks around the nursery (setting up/tidying up) , “I’m putting my name up to fold the clothes”

 They have also enjoyed learning about vegetables, cutting and chopping to make soup.

September 29, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Achievements at Home

We now have an Achievements at Home wall in the cloakroom. We would be delighted if parents/carers would like to share news of their child’s achievements from home on a post-it note and stick it on a star.

September 29, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Ladywell, we have started to notice the seasonal changes in the garden. The children were intrigued when conkers seemed to be falling from the tree only to discover that they were being dropped by a squirrel!

Fallen leaves are being collected, sorted and matched to the tree they have fallen from. We plan to create an autumn learning wall and interest table. We would be delighted if children brought in any signs of autumn that they find on their walk to nursery.

September 29, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Story and Rhyme Group

In response to the pilot we will be offering drop in sessions at both Ladywell and Inveralmond starting the week beginning 30.10.17

Mondays at Ladywell, 11.15-11.45 and 3.15-3.45

Tuesdays at Inveralmond, 11.15-11.45 and 3.15-3.45


The drop in will be for parent/carer and child together, an opportunity to enjoy stories and rhymes.

29th September, 2017

September 29, 2017 by Mrs Leonard

This week in Inveralmond EYC

The children have been talking about the changes that are taking place in the Nursery garden.  “It’s raining leaves”.

This has led onto collecting the falling leaves, talking about the colours, shapes and sizes, sorting and matching.   We have been making rubbings, painting leaves and making necklaces, showing good perseverance and developing control of fine motor skills.

We are also encouraging the children to help with the preparation of snack and giving them the responsibility of carrying out some jobs.

At group time we are working hard on learning to recognise our names.

29th September, 2017

This gallery contains 5 photos

September 25, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Activities in Inveralmond EYC 20th September, 2017

This week we have been discussing what foods are healthy for us, this led on to tasting a variety of different fruits and vegetable.  The children helped to prepare the fruits and vegetables and learned the names of some they had not tasted before.  There was lots of chat about shape, size, weight and we even learned what half and whole meant.  The children were keen to share their likes and dislikes during group discussion.


Outdoors we have continued to explore positional language using bikes and various road signs.   The children are beginning to make the link between the written and spoken word by identifying what it says on their sign.

September 25, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Activities in Ladywell,  20th September, 2017

Children asked to make bubbles outside. We discussed what they would need and they found the tough spot, washing up liquid and water to make the bubble mixture.  They had to experiment in order to discover a mixture that worked.

The morning children were delighted to discover an enormous puddle in the garden on Thursday and spent the morning filling and emptying containers, pouring water down the guttering, jumping, and splashing and watching the water move as they rode bikes and scooters through it. Some children discovered that one of our containers floated and wanted to make a boat but when they got inside discovered it did not float any more! All very interesting ; resulting in a lot of discussion. Please remember to put a full change of clothes in your child’s nursery bag as the waterproofs can leak in extreme weather!

Indoors June brought in a branch from an apple tree with apples still attached. The children were interested to see this and wanted to taste the apples. We are going to continue to taste different sorts of apples next week and through discussion with the children find out what else they would like to learn about apples or other fruit.

September 8, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Inveralmond Early Years Centre – Keeping Healthy

This week the children have been working cooperatively in the construction area building obstacle courses.  They have been exploring different ways to move their bodies and practicing different skills.  This has extended into outdoor play. They are working hard to share, negotiate with each other and take turns. Some children have been painting what they would like their obstacle courses to look like.

During group time we have been discussing personal safety and developing our understanding of being healthy.

September 8, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare

The Scottish Government is planning to nearly double the hours of free early learning and childcare by 2020. Because the views of parents and carers are crucial for the success of this expansion, the Government has commissioned independent researchers to undertake a survey of parents. The survey can be found at 

All parents taking part will have the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw and have the chance to win one of 10 x £100 cash prizes.

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