Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

February 16, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Ladywell

This week children have been finding out about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. They have taken part in dragon dancing and have enjoyed tasting Chinese food at snack. At the writing table they have had the opportunity to look at Chinese symbols and to try writing these.  

Children have also had lots of fun joining in children’s Cosmic Yoga, talking about different ways of keeping their bodies healthy.

In the garden we have been exploring number sequences by playing hopscotch style games. Children have used chalk to write the numbers on the ground and when playing the game have had to identify which number to move to next.

February 16, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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16th February, 2018

Its  been a busy few days in Inveralmond. 

We made pancakes in celebration of pancake day.

Some children made valentine cards for the people they love.

We have also been learning about Chinese new year.  The children have made a dragon and have had fun dancing to music with it.  We looked at some Chinese writing and talked about how it looks different to our letters.  Some children copied and created their own.   We also tried some noodles at snack.

There has been lots of interest in castles.  We have looked at a variety of castles in books and online and we are learning some new words while creating our own castles in the constructions area.

February 2, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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Inveralmond EYC 

This week the children have been learning how to continue a pattern and how to make their own patterns.  We have used a variety of actions and coloured objects to support this.

During discussion in the nursery the children have been talking about their favourite things to do in nursery so we have created a thinking and talking tree where they children have been drawing pictures to hang on the tree sharing their thoughts and feelings.  We are keen to share these with the parents so please come and have a look.

We have also been busy in the garden working hard as a team to build dens and traps.  Co-operating well with each other to solve problem along the way.

February 2, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell February 2nd

Children have been using the chalks to mark make , some were writing letters and numerals. Martyna wrote out numerals in a hopscotch pattern and then jumped along them.                                                                                        

There has been continued interest in emergency vehicles, Rowan and Harrison imagined they were driving an ambulance, cooperating and sharing toys in order to develop their imaginative role play ideas.

Earlier in the week children had investigated the ice that had formed on surfaces  and participated in discussion about how the felt and how hard it was to break!

Indoors the children were eager to play a game of snap. The were supported by an adult to begin with but were soon able to play the game on their own, understanding and following the rules of the game and taking turns to deal the cards.

The art and craft area has continued to be busy with children developing their imaginative ideas and developing their skills.


January 26, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond Early Years

This week in Nursery we have been celebrating Rabbie Burns Day.  We have been learning lots of Scottish songs and rhymes, reading Scottish stories, watching on the smartboard and joining  in with the highland fling.  We also looked at different tartans and tried to make our own.  On Thursday we had haggis for snack!

We are still learning about the people in the world that help us and  there has been lots of role play inside and out.

Week beginning 22/1/18

January 26, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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This week at Ladywell some children have continued to explore their ideas around emergency vehicles. At the junk modelling children worked together to design and build ambulances, fire engines and rescue helicopters! This provided a lot of opportunity for problem solving as they tried to fit various materials together. Children have also been demonstrating their understanding of the role of the police through  role play.

Our other focus this week has been celebrating Scotland, enjoying dancing to Scottish Country dance music and having the chance to try haggis, neeps and tatties at snack. We plan to continue to enjoy Scottish themed stories, songs and rhymes next week.


January 18, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell, January 18th 2018

Through their play the children have shown an interest in the Police and other emergency vehicles. We were lucky to have a visit from a Police Officer who answered many of the children’s questions. Take a look in our floor book if you would like to see the questions that were asked, the answers given and the things that the children have learned.

The snow provided an opportunity for great experiences outdoors as snowmen were built, snow examines and played in.

If you plan to attend the information evening on Wednesday 24th at 6.00pm at Inveralmond , please let your child’s key worker know or return the tear off slip.

January 12, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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Parent Information Evening

We are holding an information evening for parents of IEYC and Ladywell children to share information about our language development project, The Big Bedtime Read and Online Learning Journals. This will take place on Wednesday 24th Jan at 6pm at Inveralmond Early Years Centre. We hope you can come along.

January 12, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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Inveralmond Early Years Centre 

Happy New Year and a warm welcome back to Nursery.  We hope you all had a lovely time over the festive period.

This week the children have been learning about all the different people who help us with a particular interest in Police and Fire Officers.  There has been lots of role play inside and out, reading books for information and playing board games.

Our Peep groups are up and running again with spaces still available for 3 and 4 year olds on a Tuesday and babies on a Wednesday 2pm till 3pm.

Week beginning 8th January

December 22, 2017
by Mrs Leonard
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Christmas Week at Inveralmond Early Years

We have had a fun filled week starting of with the Christmas show, our party with a visit from Santa and finishing off with our Christmas singalong.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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