Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

April 13, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond Early Years

Children have been extremely interested in the first signs of spring, despite the weather not being very spring like!  Some of the children noticed buds on the trees outside which prompted lots of discussion about growing and changing and also guessing what the buds will grow into.   We also have an old birds nest in one of our nursery trees which a magpie has been visiting.  The children observed him ‘stealing sticks’ and used binoculars and our bird identification poster to work out what kind of bird it was.  We plan to investigate more about birds next week using our non fiction library and the internet. 

April 13th 

April 13, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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What a busy week we have had!

We have welcomed new children into the nursery and also new staff!

The new children have made a great start and are  getting to grips with nursery routines. They have been exploring the playroom and garden finding plenty to interest them, resources to stimulate their curiosity, inquiry and imagination. Great!

The new staff are settling in well too! Adam has joined us  as nursery nurse and key worker for the orange group Diana as pupil support worker in the afternoons. Jemma has returned to work in the afternoons as nursery nurse and key worker for the green group(p.m.)

We now have a silver achievement tree in the nursery. This provides an opportunity for children with their parent/carer to share something special that they have done at home. It could be anything that they feel especially proud of. Just write or draw it on a paper leaf with the date and and their name and attach it to the tree.

The children have enjoyed the mud and puddles outside this week and have been investigating how to use the new water system, finding ways to transport and pour water.

The junk modelling has been busy with children creating imaginative and complex models, several bringing in boxes and packets from home with ideas as to how they want to use them.

There has been a lot of cooperative  play in the construction area where children have worked together to create structures that support their imaginative play ideas.


March 23, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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This week we have been busy in the garden doing some planting.   We have been talking about how to look after the plants and learning the names of all the different parts. 


We have created a new music area using recyclable materials and the children have been using loose parts to make music and their own instruments.

We have also had great fun with Easter activities.

Have a lovely holiday we shall see you all back on the 9th of April.



March 23, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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The children have been learning how to programme the beebots.

They have to estimate how far the beebots have to go and which way they will have to turn in order to get them to move to their chosen destination.

The Easter bunny came to visit the nursery on Thursday afternoon and left some surprises hidden in the playroom  for the children to find. It was really exciting! We are hoping that he will come back to leave some treats for the morning children too!

We would like to wish you all a very happy holiday from Nursery, lets hope for some lovely warm Spring sunshine!

We look forward to welcoming you back on Monday April 9th

March 16, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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Week beginning 12th March, Inveralmond Early Years Centre 

This week in Inveralmond the children have thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with the new cascading water table.

We have also had shop play indoors and out.  The children are using loose parts as their merchandise and real coins to count and identify coins and numbers.

We have also began to notice the early signs of Spring. 

Some children have been painting and gluing crocuses and snow drops.   

Parents can support this by helping to spot signs of Spring and talking about this with your children

March 15, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell Nursery School


Children became deeply immersed in their imaginative play as they developed  ideas with, and alongside, others using some large boxes that had brought a delivery to the nursery. They were a great ‘open ended’ resource in that there was no right or wrong way to play and the boxes could be whatever anyone wanted, fantastic!

Interest has continued in The Gruffalo with children using soft toys and stick puppets to retell the story and to further develop the story in their own way

We have two new fish in our tank and two snails, they are quite difficult to spot!


March 15, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell Nursery School and Inveralmond Early Years Centre

Just a wee reminder that it is a good idea to regularly check your child’s hair for head lice.

NHS Scotland suggest the best method is wet combing once a week as you wash your child’s hair.

  1. Shampoo the hair, rinse, apply lots of conditioner and use a wide tooth comb to untangle and straighten the hair.
  2. Once the tangles have gone, comb the hair  using a fine toothed detection comb(available from a pharmacy) from root to end. Comb one section of the hair at a time paying particular attention to the back of the neck and the area around the ears.
  3. Check the comb for lice between each stroke and remove them.
  4. When the whole head of hair has been combed through and checked rinse off the conditioner.

If live lice are found arrange treatment.

A Bug Buster Kit may be available from the Minor Ailments Service, ask your pharmacist.

Further information on head lice can be found at -and-nits


March 12, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Ladywell, Box Clever-Firefighters

The focus words are in the Songs and Rhyme section of the blog along with  pictures.

We are working on describing words this week.

March 9, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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In celebration of World Book Day we put out some baskets filled with a story book and some toys to support the children to retell the story and further develop their own imaginative ideas. Many children have shown great interest in the books and toys provided and we have observed children deeply involved in their imaginative play.

The books have also been used well by children as they have looked at them on their own or shared them with others.

Children have engaged particularly well with the stories written by Julia Donaldson and are developing an awareness of what an author is.

The programmable Beebots have been used by some children at their group time. The buttons dictate what direction the Beebot goes and how far. It is quite tricky and requires deep thought.

Shops and shopping have become an topic of interest. Staff provided a basket with a till, some real money and a shopping basket and the children then decided where to set up shop. The blocks were chosen by some as an ideal place to design and build a shop, loose parts providing the items to be bought. Signs were created and shopping lists written.


March 9, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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Inveralmond Early Years Centre

5th March, 2018


This week we have made our own castle.  We have been learning the names of the different parts of the castle and have had great fun playing inside using our imaginations in roleplay.

Some of the children have been creating a bakery at the playdough, making cakes to sell to their friends.  Lots of mathematical language being used while making and counting their cakes and discussing the cost.

Lots of children have enjoyed using the ink pads and letters to make their own name.  Some children have taken this further and made the names of their friends and families.

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