Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

June 15, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond Early Years

This week in Inveralmond EYC our caterpillars have began to emerge as butterflies causing lots of excitement we have released the first lot in to our Nursery garden.

We have also began talking about our houses and where we live.

  Lots of learning opportunities are arising from this such as number and letter recognition in the environment.  We are finding out about all different types of houses there are.  This is a great opportunity to help at home and when you are out and about looking for and talking with your child about different print that you see.


June 13, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School
Please find below the QR code that will give you access to the SWAY of the photos taken at Beecraigs. More will be added next week

June 8, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond we have been enjoying the glorious weather.

We have been working hard in the garden planting new plants and fruit trees.

We are all learning how to look after them.

Some children have been on their Summer trip to Beecraigs and a good time was had by all.

June 8, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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June 8th

We had two days of very successful trips to Beecraigs Country Park at the beginning of the week.The children were so excited and delighted by the whole experience of setting off on an adventure in a bus! They managed beautifully and demonstrated great independence and confidence as we explored an unfamiliar place. It was great to be able to use some of the farm vocabulary that we have been working on in nursery. We are making a SWAY of photographs and will provide you with a link as soon as we can.

We continue to watch the plants in the garden and inside the nursery grow. We are having to remember to water them well.

We watched the caterpillars grow and then attach themselves to the lid of their pot before encasing themselves in their cocoon. They have now been transferred to the butterfly net and we are watching and waiting to see them emerge as butterflies.

June 1, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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This week in Inveralmond our caterpillars arrived they were very tiny and have grown so much in a week the children are thoroughly enjoying checking on their progress and learning about life cycles.

We have continued to explore pattern and some children made butterflies with symmetrical patterns.

Children going to Harrysmuir in August took part in sports day led by the Primary 6’s in the playground of the school.  This was great fun and the children were brilliant.

1st June, 2018


May 31, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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The caterpillars arrived this week and were carefully put into their own little pot with some of their special food.

Ideas and thoughts were shared and added to the floor book.

Talk moved onto butterflies and some children were eager to develop their imaginative and creative ideas at the art and craft table.

Others have continued to plant seeds developing their awareness and understanding of what plants need to grow.

The children who are moving on to Harrysmuir Primary School in August enjoyed going and taking part in the Potted Sports there

May 31, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Here are the dates for the visits to Beecraigs Country Park.

Monday June 4th
AM-Red Groups
PM-Red and silver groups

Tuesday June 5th
AM-Yellow groups
PM-Yellow and pink groups

Monday June 11th
AM-Blue groups
PM-Blue and purple groups

Tuesday June 12th
AM-Green groups
PM-Green and afternoon twos

Tuesday June 19th
AM-Orange groups and morning twos

Wear clothes suitable to being active outdoors, no matter the weather, with shoes or wellies that are sturdy and stay firmly on your feet. Open toed sandals are not suitable for this trip.

Nursery is open as usual for those not going on the trip.

May 25, 2018
by Mrs Leonard
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Inveralmond Early Years Centre

This week has been a fun filled week in IEYS.  The children are still interested in hunting for mini beasts and sharing what they find.  

We have also been exploring different textures.  Using lots of mathematical language when describing, weighing and measuring.

Magic Mark from Enjoy-a-Ball came to our Nursery on Wednesday and the afternoon children thoroughly enjoyed the session.  He will be here on Monday mornings also until the end of term.

Finally the children that are going to Harrysmuir had their visit to school. 

They had a super morning.

25th May, 2018

May 24, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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MAY 25th

The beans that we planted in special window greenhouses have started to grow roots and shoots. Our sunflowers are also beginning to grow. We will be able to compare the seedlings to see which ones grow the quickest and the tallest! We are learning how to take care of living things and beginning to develop an understanding of what living things need in order to thrive.

The bean reminded some children of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we are putting out some puppets and books to support this.

Some children had watched the royal wedding and decided they wanted to have a wedding in the nursery complete with dressing up and music. There was a bride, groom and several bridesmaids.They arranged the chairs for the wedding guests to sit on and finished it off by having a dance!

The blue group (p.m.) were the first to be offered the experience of joining in activities with Magic Mark from Enjoy-a–ball. They were eager to participate and listened well to Mark as they played various games.
After teaching Paul some of the activities the next day they took their team photo!

The other children in the nursery will be offered this opportunity over the next few weeks.

The green group in the morning have been trying out some of our new IT resources with some super results!

May 24, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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The children in the Twos Room at Ladywell have been enjoying the story of The Three Little Pigs this week.They watched the story being told by staff using small world toys and then listened as the story was read from a book. As they got to know the story better they joined in with familiar parts. They find the ending very funny as the wolf comes down the chimney and gets a hot bottom!


The children then had the chance to play with the small world toys which they used to retell the story.Many become very absorbed in their play as they remembered what had happened and retold it in their own words.


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