Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

November 30, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Through the floorbook we have identified an interest in fruit and children were keen to investigate fruit further. They  were give the opportunity to examine, cut, feel, smell and taste a range of fruit including orange, lemon, pomegranate and pink grapefruit. They discovered that they could squeeze juice from the fruit and also noticed the seeds inside. The children were offered the chance to taste the fruit. Pomegranate and orange were the favourites, lemon not so much! They said that it was sour!

Children were eager to express their opinion  using their thumbs.


Children are keen to plant the seeds that they found and  our next step in learning is to plant and grow the seeds and also look at how other plants start to grow from other seeds, e.g. a broad bean.

The floor book is on the Our Learning Journey table, please feel free to take a look.

Shared by Laura



November 29, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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November 29th

This week some of the children in the twos room experienced how foam feels and what you can do with it through this sensory play experience.

As part of their integration some of the children  are being given the opportunity to have their snack in the larger playroom helping prepare them for a smooth transition into the ‘big nursery’

Shared by Aimee and Hazel

November 27, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Inveralmond Early Years and Ladywell Nursery School

Change in Phone Number

As a result of merging with Harrysmuir Primary School  the phone system is being centralised.

From now on please phone

01506 434501

if you wish to contact the nursery.

At present it will not be possible to have the call transferred but your message will be passed on.

You can also email




November 26, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Scottish Rhymes and Songs in celebration of

St Andrew’s Day

November 30th

Coulters Candy

Ally, bally, ally bally bee,
Sittin’ on yer mammy’s knee
Greetin’ for a wee bawbee,
Tae buy some Coulter’s candy.

Ally. bally, ally, bally bee,
When you grow up you’ll go to sea,
Makin’ pennies for your daddy and me,
Tae buy some Coulter’s Candy.

Poor wee Jeannie’s lookin’ affa thin,
A rickle o’ banes covered ower wi’ skin,
Noo she’s gettin’ a wee double chin
Frae sookin’ Coulter’s Candy.

Katie Beardie

Katie Beardie had a coo
Black and white aboot the mou’
Wasnae that a dainty coo?
Dance, Katie Beardie.

Katie Beardie had a hen,
Cackled but and cackled ben.
Wasnae that a dainty hen?
Dance, Katie Beardie.

Katie Beardie had a wean
Widnae play oot in the rain.
Wasnae that a dainty wean?
Dance, Katle Beardie.

Katie Beardie had a cat,
Sleek and sly and unco fat.
Wasnae that a dainty cat?
Dance, Katie Beardie

 Three Craws

Three craws sat upon a wa’,
Sat upon a wa’, sat upon a wa’,
Three craws sat upon a wa’,
On a cauld and frosty mornin’.

The first craw was greetin’ for his maw,
Greetin’ for his maw, greetin’ for his maw,
The first craw was greetin’ for his maw,
On a cauld and frosty mornin’.

The second craw fell and broke his jaw,
Fell and broke his jaw, fell and broke his jaw,
The second craw fell and broke his jaw,
On a cauld and frosty mornin’.

The third craw, couldnae flie at a’,
Couldnae caw at a’, couldnae flie at a’,
The third craw, couldnae flie at a’,
On a cauld and frosty mornin’.

An that’s a’, absolutely a’,
Absolutely a’, absolutely a’,
An that’s a’, absolutely a’,
On a cauld and frosty mornin’

Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny

Ye cannae shove yer granny aff a bus

Ye cannae shove yer granny aff a bus

Ye cannae shove yer granny

Fur she’s yer mammy’s mammy

Ye cannae shove yer granny aff a bus.


Wee Willie Winkie

Wee Willie Winkie

Rins through the toun,

Up stairs and doun stairs

In his nicht-gown,

Chappin’ at the window,

Crying through the lock,

“Are the weans in their bed,

It’s past eight o’clock?”

November 16, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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This week outside the children have been interested in playing with the guttering, they have been using the pipes to make a long track for the water to run down. The children have worked together to put the pipes together, the water wasn’t reaching where they wanted it to go. The children had to think about this and how they could make it go where they wanted to go. With support from an adult they spoke about having some height with the pipes and then this would make the water run ‘faster’ down the pipes. This was a great opportunity to talk with the children about positional language.

This week in the construction area the children have made a stage. The children took turns in going on the stage to perform in front of their friends, some children playing an instrument using the bricks, some children danced and some of the children sung a song. A few of the children in the ‘audience’ wanted to take pictures  of their friends on the stage using ipads. The children had to take turns with this activity and watch their friends and listen to what they were doing.

The children have been very interested in the new sensory experiences that are on offer. The children have been watching the bubbles and talking about the different colours that they change to. They also spoke about the reflection that the light was making on the ceiling, the blue light was for ‘night time.’ The red colour meant it was morning with a ‘beautiful sunrise.’  The children have enjoyed taking their shoes off to walk over the coloured tiles and watching the colour move around as they stand on the tiles.

On Thursday afternoon and Friday morning the children had the opportunity to wear their pyjamas or something spotty to celebrate Children in Need. The children danced along to a Children in Need action song on the smart board. There was spotty painting on offer in the art area. Some of the children also painted their own Pudsey Bear.

shared by Jemma

November 16, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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We have had the opportunity over the last couple of weeks to try out some new activities which will help us to further develop the strength, control and coordination of our fingers and hands.

We have been wearing googles and  hammering golf tees into pumpkins and butter nut squash! It is a lot harder than it looks and a great way to develop our understanding of using tools safely and improve our eye hand coordination before we progress onto using nails and wood.

We have been weaving ribbons and paper in varied ways indoors…

and there are opportunities to weave with natural resources outside.

Whilst cutting the pumpkins at Halloween the children showed great interst in the seeds and were squeezing them to see if they could get any juice out. This was taken forward by staff who provided the children with a variety of different fruits which were cut and squeezed, examined, smelt and discussed.

They discovered that some fruits have a lot of juice and others very little and that seeds can be very varied.

Take a look at our Learning Wall and in our floor book to see what the children were saying about their discoveries.



October 26, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Halloween at IEYC and LNS

We will be offering various Halloween activities and dressing up opportunities in nursery next week.

We ask that children do not come to nursery dressed in their own costumes or masks as some of our children can find this frightening.

Thank you for your understanding.


The photographer will be at Ladywell Nursery on October 31st and at Inveralmond on November 1st to take nursery photos

October 23, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Here are some Halloween songs for you to enjoy at home.

We plan to sing some of them at nursery

If I Were a Witch
If I were a witch I would climb on my broom,
And fly away with a zoom, zoom, zoom.
(Make a broom with your index finger, straddle your finger with fingers from your other hand and zoom!)

Halloween Song
(Sing to the tune of ‘Frère Jacques’)
In October, in October,
Halloween, Halloween.
Dressing up in costumes,
Dressing up in costumes,
Make you scream, make you scream!

Masks and face paint, masks and face paint,
Trick or treat? Trick or treat?
Do we look quite different?
Do we look quite different?
Yummy sweets, yummy sweets!

Ghosts and witches, ghosts and witches,
Skeletons, skeletons.
Lots of spooky fun times,
Lots of spooky fun times,
Everyone, everyone!

Halloween Ghost
(Sing to the tune of ‘I’m a Little Teapot’.)
I’m a Halloween ghost,
I see you!
Floating around,
As I like to do.
Float up to the ceiling,
Saying “Wooooo”,
Turn around and then I shout “BOO!”
I’m a Halloween ghost,
Behind you!
I’m rather pale,
And quite see-through.
When I try to scare you,
I’ll say “Woooooo,
”Make you jump up, when I shout “BOO!”

Halloween Is Lots of Fun
(Tune of ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’.)
Halloween is lots of fun,
Spooky fun for everyone.
Ghosts and monsters, so spooky!
Superheroes and fairies.
Halloween is lots of fun,
Spooky fun for everyone.

Knock on doors for trick or treat,
As a ghost under a sheet!
In our costumes, in disguise,
Time to give you a surprise!
Knock on doors for trick or treat,
As a ghost under a sheet!

The Haunted House

(Sing to the tune of ‘The Wheels on the Bus’.)

The ghost in the house goes boo boo boo,
Boo boo boo, boo boo boo!
The ghost in the house goes boo boo boo,
At Halloween.
The steps in the house go creak, creak, creak…
The cats in the house go meow, meow, meow…
The mice in the house go squeak, squeak, squeak…
The people in the house go eek, eek, eek!

Halloweens Coming
Halloweens coming, Halloweens coming,
Skeletons will come after you!
Big black hats and witches cats,
Ghosts and goblins too.
Flap flap flap go the big black bats,
Miaow miaow miaow go the witches cats,

October 12, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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October 12th

The tap it shapes have been enjoyed by many this week. It is a great activity that develops the strength and control of fingers and hands as the pieces are quite small. Children have persevered to place the small pin through the hole in the wooden pieces and then hammer them down. We are planning to develop this interest in tools and hammering after the break.

Some children were hunting for mini beasts outside, turning over pieces of wood to see what they could find underneath. Staff helped turn over a larger piece of equipment and the children were astonished to find a mass of slugs underneath. They were able to watch them for some time and there was much discussion about their appearance and what they were doing. We were also able to look closely at other things we found in the garden using our magnifying posts.

Fantastic structures were being built in the garden using the outdoor blocks and crates. These were then used as imaginary vehicles which transported the children to different places like the zoo and Asda!

Enjoy the October break, nursery re-opens on Tuesday 23rd October.

October 1, 2018
by Ms Crichton
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Inveralmond and Ladywell
Autumn 2018
As part of our focus on literacy development I will be inviting children to join in with some short, fun, play based games during their nursery session. Initially the games will focus on attention and listening.
If you would like to know more about the skills being developed please feel free to come and have a chat

Mary Crichton
Nursery Teacher

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