Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

May 10, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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May 10th

Inverlmond and Ladywell

Take a look at the Songs and Rhymes section of the blog, you will find the words for the summer songs we are currently singing in nursery.

Happy singing!

May 8, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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 Ladywell and Inveralmond

May 8th

We are continuing to explore words associated with

Animals and Their Babies at Ladywell and

The Jungle at IEYC as part of our

Box Clever approach to developing vocabulary.

The focus since coming back after Easter has been on describing words, these have been displayed in the nursery beside the provocation pictures and on the whiteboards in the cloakroom.


big  small  tiny  furry  sleepy  fluffy  feathery  sweet  cute

black  white  pink  brown  spiky  prickly hungry


green   wet  dry  hot  cold   black  colourful  rainbow  big

small  tiny  strong  poisonous   scary   fierce   quiet  noisy


From next week the focus will be on action words


sleeping  lying  suckling  pecking  standing  climbing watching  swimming   eating



swimming   slithering  crawling    climbing   swinging

jumping  croaking  roaring  screeching   hunting  creeping


These words will be displayed both on the nursery floor and in the cloakroom.




May 3, 2019
by User deactivated
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This week in Ladywell nursery am and pm pre-school children have had the opportunity to take part in learning football skills provided through Premier Football Academy.  The boys and girls displayed good listening when walking to the school and when following instructions from the football coaches Eddie and Liam.   They learned the skills of dribbling a ball, running whilst trying to kick the ball and toe tapping the ball.  The children had lots of fun and on return to nursery they shared what they enjoyed about the football session.  Football will be running for a further five weeks and supports our transition programme for pre-schoolers moving onto school.




May 3, 2019
by User deactivated
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This week in Ladywell nursery the boys and girls have enjoyed planting seeds in the garden.  One child noticed seeds in their watermelon at snack and asked to plant them.  Following on from this the children then planted some flower seeds.  We talked about how seeds need water and sun for them to grow into flowers.  The children will be given the opportunity to continue to care for the seeds and to also plant potatoes.



April 26, 2019
by User deactivated
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Ladywell Nursery

Outside in the garden this week the children have been exploring the guttering and water.  They filled up a small bucket with water from the water butt then poured it down the guttering where it travelled into a large bucket.  One child commented that the big bucket had too much water in it and that it needed emptied.  She then went on to independently empty the bucket herself.

April 26, 2019
by User deactivated
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This week in Ladywell nursery the boys and girls have been busy making creations with play dough.  They were rolling out the play dough using their hands to make snakes, wiggly worms and  sausages.  They used patterned discs to make hamburgers and enjoyed making pancakes where they  flipped them in the frying pan.  Lots of describing words were used and lots of fun was had by all!

March 29, 2019
by User deactivated
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Ladywell Nursery

Following on from the baby topic in our floorbook the children’s learning has moved in the direction of how baby animals feed.  We set up the wooden farm with different animals and their young.  We provided small world animal resources and asked the children if they knew why some animals were small and some were big. The children shared that the small animals were babies and the bigger animals were the mummies. Provocation photos have been displayed in the nursery with children’s comments.  Please feel free to take a look and comment in our floorbook if your child has shared any learning at home thank you.



March 29, 2019
by User deactivated
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This week in Ladywell nursery the children were having fun exploring the wildlife garden.  We spoke about spring and how the trees now have leaves whereas in winter there were no leaves on the trees.  The children were very intrigued when looking at the flowers and wanted to know what type of flowers they were.  They seemed to really like the daffodils.  The children were able to explain that you need water and sun for flowers to grow.  One of the girls asked to plant some seeds so next week we will be offering this as an activity for any child that wishes to take part.

March 26, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Inveralmond Early Years and Ladywell Nursery School

March 26th

Box clever is an approach used to support vocabulary development. Naming words are explored first and then describing and action words introduced in subsequent weeks.

We use the children’s current interests and provide them with an enriched vocabulary related to that interest.

At Inveralmond the current theme is the jungle and the naming words we are focussing on are:

jungle   river   water   leaf   tree    panther   parrot   monkey   snake   poison arrow frog   praying mantis   beetle   millipede   leaf cutter ant      tiger    feathers    scales   beak  whiskers   fur

And at Ladywell the theme is animals and their young so the naming  words being introduced later this week will be:

cat/kitten    dog/puppy    pig/piglet   sheep/lamb  hen/chick    cow/calf   horse/foal   duck/duckling  fox/cub   hedgehog/hoglet   rabbit/kit

There are displays of provocation photos with children’s comments in both nurseries.

I would be happy to talk to parents/carers at any time about this approach and will be available on parents evening for a chat, just let your child’s key worker know if you would like to see me and I will ensure I am in the right place at the right time!

Mary Crichton


March 22, 2019
by User deactivated
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This week in Ladywell nursery the boys and girls have enjoyed exploring Bee-Bot a programmable toy.  They were shown how to navigate Bee-Bot by pressing the different buttons on him which makes him move forwards, backwards, left and right.  The children then helped to draw a mat for Bee-Bot.  They decided where they would like him to travel.  They chose, the park, morrisons, space and going on holiday.  They drew all the different things you would find at these places i.e. swings, astronauts, aeroplane and food.  The children were learning to take turns with their peers and share space with them when sitting in a circle.  Well done boys and girls!


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