Ladywell, 22.2.18
We launched the Big Bedtime Read on Monday and most children will be enjoying their first pack of books at home. Bring back their pack on their group’s day and they will be given a new pack to bring home.
Monday-red group
Tuesday-blue group
Wednesday-yellow group
Thursday-green group
There are some really lovely books in the packs, we hope you are enjoying them!
A big thank you to parents and carers, past and present, who have helped in the huge task of getting the books and bags ready for the launch. We, literally, could not have done it without you!
Sign up sheets are in the cloakroom inviting you to sign up for a parental consultation and also to come to a Stay, Play and Learn session in the nursery.
We celebrated the February birthdays this week by making a cake to share.
There has been a lot of activity at the art and craft table with some very creative and imaginative models being created out of junk.
If you have any of the following things at home that you no longer need our children would probably enjoy being creative with them.
Small boxes, cartons, milk carton lids, jar lids, buttons, ribbons, corks, straws, pine cones, wool, fabric cut offs, tubes from kitchen towel etc.-thank you