Tag Archives: Art

Primary 7’s week

Primary 7 are having lots of scary fun, listening to and writing thrillers for our topic Horrible Scotland.

Let me share Eeman’s story starter with you, prepare to be thrilled:

Drawing in a deep breath, Esme knocked on the door of the devil twins. Everyone called them that. She was going to be babysitting for Mr and Mrs Hope that dreadful night. Five minutes had passed and no one had answered the ominous looking door. Esme knocked repetitive times, still no answer. She ambled around to the back door, hating being alone this dark, horrible night. The darkness began to engulf her, she quickened her pace, she started to wish she had never answered her phone that day.


Also this week we have been completing our artwork inspired by Kim Anderson. We focused on unicorns to compliment our topic of Scotland as it’s our national animal. The pupils have put so much effort into them and it was quite challenging to use the special art foil. It was a messy and creative adventure.

Primary 7 have also created a new game at PE. We don’t have a name for it yet but we have loved exploring and amending the rules to make the game, fair and fun.


January in Primary 7

Happy New Year to all our Greenrigg families! Primary 7 have had a busy start to the New Year. Here,s what we have been up to:

We have made some short term, realistic resolutions together. Some for our own lives and one for school. We have them on our wall to reflect on this month.

Miss Watson has been spending time with Primary 7’s doing IZAK 9 lessons which have been both fun and challenging. We are glad to have her back and hope we are distracting her from missing her lovely boys.

Judo has been challenging and Marv is working us extra hard. I can see a big change in the effort the children are putting in and the determination they are showing. Well done to the class, everyone brought their kit last week.

In literacy we are reading and listening to thrilling stories. We are going to be writing our own thrillers this fortnight and some of the ideas the pupils have are terrifying, just the right amount of chill down your spine. This week coming we will work on building tension and atmosphere.

In maths this week, we had a visit from Peter and Bronwyn from RBS Moneysense. We carried out a workshop with Mrs Robley on party planning. A lot of thought went into what was needed for a party and what the term good value meant. The pupils were split into small groups and planned unique parties and presented them to their classmates.

Finally, the class have been having very different break times this last week with all the snow. They have been helping children in the lower school in the playground and being very creative.



This week in P7

What a busy week it has been. Firstly we were all very proud of all the Primary 7s who put themselves forward for House Captain and Head Person this week. What a hard choice the staff and pupils had choosing  as the standard of their speeches was excellent.

Weare proud to announce that Karis and Arron are our Head People. We are proud to announce that Erin will be House Captain for Kelly, Eemian will be House Captain for Dardanelles and that Jenna will be House Captain for Baillie.

We have started a shared reading experience in P2 this week. The P7 are practicing expression and questioning at home with a book and then reading to a great audience.

This week we have completed our entries for the Flower Show this Saturday. The theme this year is the GalaDay. Congratulations to all P7s who have an entry going forward. What great quality of art work this year.

Primary 7 have now had two sessions of Judo with Marv on Fridays now and they are loving it. Please remember to bring in your slip for your free Judo kit.

primary 7 news

What a few weeks we have had. Here are some of the highlights. We have been looking at the painting Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh. We gave been describing the painting and have written a recount as a character in the painting, the children have produces excellent stories.

We looked at the amazing Northern Lights and have created a magical silhouette picture and a descriptive poem to complement our pictures.

In maths we have been learning about angles: how to identify, measure ans draw. We are now moving on to shape.

We loved going out in the snow and used the STEM bins in our class to challenge ourselves to create something from the snow we brought indoors.

In PE we have been doing fitness stations with Mrs Crow to dust away those January blues.

The pupils worked very well together to create a logo each for Greenrigg Community Council’s competition. We have some excellent ideas and have designed them very effectively.

Will Ogg visited our class this week to carryout a workshop with us on Growth Mindset. The pupils engaged well in this session and showed Will that they are learning to think positively about challenges they may face in their learning and in day to day activities.  I think we mostly loved making an origami penguin each, which once we took our time we learned we could do it. A collection of penguins is called a raft in the sea or a waddle when on land.

Finally, on Thursday we had a very spectacular day. Firstly we had a poetry workshop with Julie Anna Douglas. We have read some of her published poems in class and were inspired by her poetry she read to us today in class. She then worked with us to create a poem for our community about the windfarms. The pupils were illustrators first and then created the words from their images. We are waiting excitedly to find out what the finished work will look like. then to finish Thurday of with a challenge, Miss Tuke taught us all (including myself) how to use Izak 9 cubes. We are going to work in teams more next week to complete more challenges and build on our team work, mental calculation and problem solving skills.

Term 1 highlights p7/6

What a fantastic first term we have had in Primary 7/6

  • Literacy: poetry for Mrs Denholm, recipe writing and fictional stories based on our scientist creation. Our free writing for homework has shown lots of super ideas and just how creative you all are.
  • Maths: place value, multiplying, rounding and decimals. We looked at where to find real evidence of maths so to realise why and where we will use the skills we learn.
  • expressive arts: we have been working with our drama and music teachers learning new skills. We have been painting, making collages, perspective drawings, painting skills and some art through our science.
  • working with others: we have been great Primary 1 buddies, walking to the harvest assembly, playing outside with buddies and most recently we taught primary 2 how to make their own 3D dinosaurs.
  • keeping healthy: we have been bucket filling and learning how to have a growth mindset. We have been very active with Mrs Crow and Scott Woodhouse has been teaching us Futsal. We have also been squeezing in a few daily miles. Well done to our boys for competing in this years cross country. Well done also to the many boys and girls in the class who have been away representing the school in the Football, Netball and Handball teams.

Primary 7/6

Primary 7/6 have been very creative this term painting and creating their pictures for the flower show. We were inspired by the artist called Steven Brown who creates paintings of Highland cows called McCoos. We sent our pictures to him and he messaged back saying

“Wow, amazing. Really talented pupils you have. I love that my art makes people smile.”

“To your pupils, continue to go for your dreams. I would never have thought I would have achieved my dream if you had asked me, I am thankful that I persisted and that my artwork means so much to many.”

The pupils are desperate to get these home, they are up in the classroom just now and I will send them home for the October break.

This is Steven’s first Highland cow he painted called Harris McCoo.


This term so far we have been writing persuasively for house captains and head boy and girl. We have begun thinking about our topic World War II. We have been learning some multiplication strategies. In PE we have been learning netball and bench ball/handball. Some of the Primary 7s and 6s will be attending the school Netball, Football or Handball festivals.


P3/4 Problem Solving

The triominoes were popular again at Smart Start this week.  Alexander & Jaxon worked as a team to make a full hexagon using the triangles.  They said it was quite a challenge but they enjoyed it. They plan to tackle it again and see if they can make a bigger shape!


As part of our “Homes” project, we have been looking a tiling patterns.  Many of us have tiles in our homes in either bathrooms or kitchens and we talked about the patterns we see in these.  We went on to make our own tiling patterns using Mrs Gibson’s large carpet tiles.  We made lots of different patterns. Some were simple and others were much more complex.  We enjoyed doing it and used our knowledge to then go on and create tiling patterns of our own, using a maximum of three colours on ready made tiling designs.  We could make the designs our own by choosing the patterns we wanted to create.  It was quite tricky and took a while but we all enjoyed it.

One of the criteria for the homes we will be building is that we need to have some section of our home floor tiled- this gave us time to practice some ideas!

P5/4 news

We have been busy learning all about an artist called Yvonne Coomber this week, this is her painting called Dancing Hearts

.Yvonne Coomber Art  Dancing Hearts

We spent time looking at her work and discussing the different feelings we could see in the paintings. Then we created our own unique pictures. We used a variety of colours of paint and paint of different textures. First we chose the backdrop colours and blended the paints. then we created the green stems and finally the flowers. We hope you like them. They will be displayed in school for a while before they can go home.


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