P2 homework challenged continued!

Stephane’s alien is called Emma and has only one eye. She is wearing a tartan ribbon.

Ava’s alien is made out of a milk carton and is called Lewis

Abigail’s alien is called Lucy, she is wearing a kilt.

Poppy-Grace’s alien is called Stary and is made out of a plastic bottle.

Natalie’s alien is called Marsha, she has a flag for Katie Morag.

Cate’s alien is called Chloe and is made out of card and paper.


Sam’s alien is called Banana Man, he is made out of milk shake cartons.

Alasdair’s alien is called Messi and is made out of a cereal box. He has pipe cleaner arms and legs with his feet made out of feathers.

John’s alien is called Johncena, the head is a balloon and the body made out of a bottle covered in newspaper. We are so good at recycling old things.

Louisa told us all about her alien who is called Daisy. She is made out of cartons, wool and pom poms.



This week in Greenrigg…

Monday 14th March

  • Warm welcome to Miss Magali Tuke who joins us at Greenrigg as Acting Principal Teacher
  • P5 – 7 Internet Safety Workshops
  • 2.40pm Internet Safety Performance for whole school and parents in Hall

Tuesday 15th March

  • Mrs Malloch in School
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Netball After School Club

Wednesday 16th March

  • P5/6 visit to Gurdwara, Glasgow
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Football After School Club

Thursday 17th March

  • Nursery parents meeting in Community Lounge am
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Challenge ASC
  • 3.15 – 4.15 Dance After School Club
  • 6.30pm Parent Council AGM – all parents welcome

Friday 18th March

  • 9am Assembly – led by P1 children – all parents welcome
  • P7s Futsal


We have been looking a creating tiling patterns in Maths, creating tiled floors in our homes as part of our topic and in Art, Mr Hendry was teaching us about how small tiles can be used to make beautiful pictures called Mosaics.

Mr Hendry showed us lots of examples of different mosaics from all over the world and from different times in history.  We tried to create some Mosaic pictures of our own.  It was quite tricky, but we persevered.  Some of us are finished and some of us still have a bit more work to do, but we are really pleased with our results so far.  Here are a few for you to look at- we were working on them today!


P1 & P2 transition day with Stoneyburn

We made lots of new friends with the children from Stoneyburn. Alasdair saw his friend Daryl who is in his football team, he said it was good to see him. Natalie said she hopes the children will come back or maybe we can visit them. Adam said it was good seeing other children in our school. We all thank you for coming to visit us today and we hope to see you soon. Here are some photos of our day.

Monday 7th March – this week in Greenrigg ….

Monday 7th March

Miss Wickerson, Mrs Irvine and 10 x P7 pupils off to Dalguise

4 x P7 pupils Work Experience

Tuesday 8th March

Transition Day for P1, P2, P3 and P4 children

P1 and P2 children from Stoneyburn with their teachers will spend the day in Greenrigg

P3 and P4 children, from both schools, are going to Craigencault Ecology Centre in Kinghorn

3.15 – 4.15 ASC Football

Wednesdy 9th March

No Netball ASC as Mrs Irvine is in Dalguise

6.30pm Developing the Young Workforce Meeting in the Hall for all parents

Thursday 10th March

P1s to Deep Sea World

Nursery Parents in Community Wing

P4/5 to Handball Festival

3.15 – 4.15 Dance ASC

Friday 11th March

12.20 – 1.20 Multi Sports ASC

Dalguise children due back at school between 4 – 4.30

Another productive day in P3/4!

We were learning about multiplication and division today.  We looked at array patterns and learned about how to read the patterns, what they meant and then how we could use these arrays to show how we could divide numbers by 2.

We talked about our learning and Blake told us that he realised that dividing numbers by two was the same as finding a half!  This was a great discovery and helped a lot of us to understand more about what we were doing.

“Ah, I get it now” was a phrase said by a lot of the boys and girls when they cut up the array patterns.  This helped them to understand about how when dividing by two they were creating two equal groups.

Many of us were a bit nervous about looking at division because we thought it was hard, but now we don’t really think that.  We need to practice dividing a lot more but today was a good start.  The array patterns really helped us.

In the afternoon, after our art lesson with Mr Henry, where we were creating mosaics, we went back to look at our houses we built at the start of the week with Miss Milne and we used these to plan a piece of descriptive writing.

We talked in small groups about the houses we built and tried to think of lots of adjectives we could use to describe our houses.  We would like our writing to be descriptive enough that someone else could read it and draw a picture of the house we are writing about.  We will need to carry on with this next week as we didn;t get our writing finished today.  We put a great list of adjectives together, as a class, during our planning time though!

Food Tasting and P6/5 Buddies

This week the nursery have had a chance to taste the different fruits found in The Hungry Caterpillar story and have had stories read to them by their P6/5 buddies as well as a play session. We have had a visit from the dental hygienist who was very impressed with our children and how they brush their teeth.  Remember tomorrow is World Book Day and children are allowed to bring in their favourite story and wear their pyjamas. We will also watch The Hungry Caterpillar film.

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