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Primary 7’s week

What a busy week we have had. Primary 7 have started looking at Macbeth in Drama with Mrs Loughton as part of our Horrible Scotland topic and will be learning more in our reading. We are learning about French Polynesia with Mrs Ewing as part of a West Lothian Langauge project, the pupils are having fun learning about language and different cultures.

Tuesday the 6th was Safer Internet day. We took part in the Police Scotland Glow meet, learning about how to use the internet and social media safely and who to talk to when something doesn’t feel right.

Top tips from Primary 7:

Your friends online … Know them offline – Jenna

Electronic interactions mean you miss out on things like tone of voice and reading people body language so messages can be misread. – Leah

cyber bullying is still bullying – watch out for things like pictures being posted without consent, hateful messages and leaving people out – Emma

Everyone is capable of becoming a bully and a victim – Arron

Anything you post becomes public property, it is in the terms and conditions. Even though your snap chat picture disappears it still ends up on a forum somewhere in the world. – Police Scotland

As long as we use the internet safely it can be great, it is changing the way we communicate.

Also this week:

We have started our reading challenge for the First Ministers Challenge. Everyone has a book to read at home and a record book to fill in.

This week has been Mental Health awareness week for children. We have spent the week having discussions with our peers about how we feel. We also completed a mental welling being workshop with Sheila Colthart. We talked about the effect bedtime can have on our mental health, energy drinks, what could be going on in people home lives, siblings and our emotions among other issues. We all agree to be a little kinder to each other as we never know what someone is going through at home.


Dookin’ for apples

  • Our teacher at 4 years old with a real tumshee.
  • P4-3 learned the history of Halloween according to Scottish folklore. They were shocked to learn that turnips were traditionally used in place of modern day pumpkins. We went dookin for apples, Mrs Irvine, Mrs Hendrie and Mrs Millar were good sports and took part.

We also discussed keeping ourselves safe when we go out guising tonight! Happy Halloween 🎃

P5/4 first 2 weeks

We have had an excellent start to the new school. We have enjoyed exploring our new classroom and getting to know each other a bit better.

We have been talking about what makes a great friend. We discussed different qualities a friend has and looked at which was most the important. For our class we decided that being honest was the most important quality. We also looked at qualities we all have in the class. We were each given a name of a classmate and in secret had to write what we thought they bought to the class. At the end, we all felt amazing as everyone had written lots of nice things about each other.

Im maths we have started looking at different strategies to add and subtract. We are using numberlines to start with and are moving on to partitioning this week.  Miss Cooke has set us a range of questions through the “chilli challenge” – this means we can all challenge our learning.

In P.E we have have started to learn different skills in Netball. We focused on chest passes and looked at how to use the space to pass the ball. We have P.E on Wednesday and Thursday

We cant wait to learn more as the term progresses.


primary 7/6 rugby

Primary 7/6 have experienced some rugby coaching sessions in order to prepare them for their transition games at the High School during the transition week. On transition day one boy in particular was praised by the staff for the skill and talent he showed, well done Euian McWhir! well done to our girls, quite a few of them have discovered a new love for Rugby.

Eco Maths in Primary 3.

In Primary 3 we have been linking Maths with our Eco work.  We collected all blue bags from around the school, estimated how much the weigh then we actually weighed them.  This was extremly hard work but was really fun to do.  We will be doing this every wek and making sure that all classes are recylcling, reusing and reducing.