Category Archives: Primary 6

Snow Day 2013

Well everyone, it’s a bit later than we may have expected but 2013 has seen its first snow day. Hopefully everyone will have a safe day. Don’t forget there are activities to keep you busy on GLOW and the school blog. Perhaps you could visit your class page and leave a comment on what you have been doing today. Or even better, email the school a photo and we will upload it to GLOW for everyone else to see.

Science Club!

Children were randomly selected to go to the Glasgow Science Centre to take part in a science exhibit. Children were asked to do a short presentation of what they had being doing in their club and then took part in 3 min science and engineering challenges, run by STEM. Children were able to take part in lots of activities during the day and watch a 3D movie in the Imax cinema. There was an award ceremony at the end. Children had a fantastic time and have asked for Science Club to continue next year so watch this space.

Fruit Smoothie Challenge!

P3/4 has undertaken a challenge this week, to create a business which would produce and promote a fruit smoothie. Children have formed business teams and designed a logo for their business. Each busines has started to research different fruit combinations for their smoothie. Children will be issued tasks to complete from now until the end of term and will be secretly graded on the quality of their work and their success in meeting their learning intentions. The winning team will make their fruit smoothie for the P7 Leaver’s assesmbly.
Homework will be to research food products, packaging and advertising to help complete challenges. We will continue to keep you updated. Please check the blog for regular up dates.

Science Club

Children designed a discus for Science Club. The challenge was to create one which would travel farther than all the others. Boys and girls tested their discus before competing against one another outside. Miss Watson and Mrs Maxwell also took part and were neck and neck with Ryan Shaw, Ellie McDougall and Adam Clair. The winning team was undecided.