Category Archives: Primary 6

Primary 7/6 news

This last few weeks we have been getting organised for the school show Peter Pan. The children were a massive success and had a great time. With a lovely surprise at the end where the Primary 7’s were given their surprise leavers hoodies. It’s been lovely having the Primary 7’s back after their week at the Academy for transition. We have been enjoying the weather and having PE outdoors when ever we get the chance. Well done also to the Primary 6’s who did an excellent job of creating the scenery for the school show, it was amazing.

P7/6 Poetry

The Giant Outside my Classroom

Rhythmic, circling,hypnotic statues.

wonderful wizardry.

Whooshing and whirling.

Astonishing, magnificent, mesmerising machine.

Tumbling and twirling.

Gliding and swirling.

Amazing, irresistible, energetic technology.

Mind blowing.

Powerful! Prancing!

Magical, flowing, superior sight!


Dreamy dancing.

This is the poem Primary 7/6 created with Poet Julie Anna Douglas. We focused on the wind turbines outside our classroom. We created a poem to celebrate the uniqueness of where we live. Each pupil contributed a word to the poem and created beautiful art work to complement it. We have also been using lots of activities that Julie taught our school to do further poem writing and creating different styles of poetry.


Coaching Football

Wel done to the members of the school football team. During their club this year, Miss Benson has allocated two or three pupils each week have planned and coached the sessions. They are given time together to research and try out new warm ups and skills activities. The pupils of the team have then been transferring what they learn to their own class PE lessons. Well done. Here we have a picture of Elise Hastie carrying out her session.

primary 7/6 rugby

Primary 7/6 have experienced some rugby coaching sessions in order to prepare them for their transition games at the High School during the transition week. On transition day one boy in particular was praised by the staff for the skill and talent he showed, well done Euian McWhir! well done to our girls, quite a few of them have discovered a new love for Rugby.

Goodbye Miss McGuire

In Primary 7/6 we had a pirate party to say goodbye and good luck to Miss McGuire. It was a great way to finish of a very interesting topic on Pirates. We wish her well with her class and probation year next session and thank her for all her hard work and amazing ideas.

yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me!