Its easy to tell that the iPads are faster than the laptops, as we turned them on 1 minute earlier than the iPads and the iPads were on the Internet while the laptops were still loading up! =O
We did athletics in French and we made silhouettes. We researched silouettes on the iPads and copied them.I made the pole vault. They all turned out really well in the end and i added the olympic rings. It was really really fun reseaching the silhouettes and then copying them. iPads are so fun and cool 🙂
Boom is are class novel on the iPads. Boom is about two boys jumbo and charlie, they put a walkie talkie in the teachers lounge and discovered that there history teacher and there art teacher speak a weird lounge!!!
We are going to adishion for Oliver twist
I really hope I get nancy it would make my day if I did
I had fun in class when we were learning about Athletics. We drew silhouettes of athletes and we are showing them tomorrow. Comment below about what you have learned about Athletics or Athletes. 🙂
Athletic silhouettes
In class we have been drawing athletic silhouettes.I did a runner.
I am sill on glow and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glow rules askpeshaly when your friends are online
It RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:]
iPad soo fun
I don’t believe we have iPads! They are useful and fun. Thank you!
Im on the iPad. ,