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Smart Start

Thank you to all those who attended our Smart Start sessions last week.  The children enjoyed showing you round the nursery and having you visit us to play.

We will notify you of the next event, once it has been confirmed.

Please could we remind parents and carers that the snack fund is not subsidised and nonprofit making.  It is funded solely by the parents/carers and we kindly ask that accounts be kept up to date to allow us to continue providing  this service.  For your convenience, payment can be made directly to nursery staff or via the iPay impact service.  The weekly cost for snack is £1.50, with an optional 50pence donation to our nursery toy fund.


Exploring Colour

This week in nursery the children are exploring colour.  They will  be participating in a variety of activities that will encourage them to match, mix, name and sort colours.  They will also be learning about shades of colour (light and dark).

Here are a few ideas so you can join in with this topic at home.

Colour Walk 

This is an easy, no preparation activity.  Simply talk about the colours you see when out and about, either in the car, at the shops or the park.  You can talk about the colours of cars, flowers, front doors, things you are buying from the supermarket. The list is endless.

Scavenger Hunt

You can hide items of your chosen colour, indoors or in the garden, and ask your child to find them.  If your short on time, you can do this activity without hiding anything.  Simply choose your colour and wait to see what objects your child brings back.

Colour Mixing

If you are feeling adventurous, why not get the paints out and experiment with colour mixing. We have included a chart to help.  Remember, it’s OK if you end up with a dark brown splodge.

The most important thing is that you and your child have fun.

Image result for color mixing chart


September Break

Nursery will be closed on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th September, 2018.

Welcome Back

We hope you all had a lovely summer and would like to welcome all our returning children, and their families, back to nursery.  We had a fun first week back with weddings, building, painting and even a bus trip to Bathgate for the PM session.

Over the next few weeks a number of new children will be joining the nursery and we look forward to welcoming them.

Diary Dates

September Holiday

All break                         Friday 12th September, 2018

Pupils resume                Wednesday 19th September, 2018

October Holiday

All break                        Friday 12th October, 2018

Pupils resume              Tuesday 23rd October, 2018


Christmas Break

All break                       Friday 21st December, 2018

Pupils resume             Monday 7th January, 2019






Class of 2018

Well done to all the children who participated in our end of year celebration and all the parents, carers, grans, granddads and special people who came to support the children.

The staff would like to wish all the children moving on to P1 all the very best. We know you will all love your new adventure, although nursery won’t be quite the same without you.

To all our returning children, we look forward to seeing you after the holidays and are excited about all the fun we are going to have together next year.

We would like to thank  all the parents and carers for all their support over the last year . Your participation in Box Clever, PEEP, the Big Bedtime Read and our stay and play sessions has been tremendous and very much appreciated by both the staff and the children.

Have a great summer.



Sporting Superstars Part 2

The children from the afternoon session had great fun participating in their Sports Day.  They were all great competitors and ran, jumped, bounced and hopped brilliantly.

A big thank you to all the spectators who cheered the boys and girls on, helping to make the day extra special for them all.


Sporting Superstars Part 1

Our AM children had a fabulous time at their sports day this morning.  They were all amazing competititors and didn’t let the windy weather put them off.  They ran, hopped, bounced, threw and jumped fantastically and should be very proud of themselves. Their gold medals were thoroughly deserved.

Thank you to all the spectators who braved the cold, and occasional raindrops. Your support helped to make the occasion extra special for all the children.

Magical Mill Farm

The nursery staff would like to say a big thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make our nursery trip to Mill Farm possible.  The children had a fabulous time and enjoyed all the sights and sounds of the farm.

There was lots of jumping, tobogganing, flying, giggling and bouncing, by children and adults.


Dates for your Diary

We are approaching a very busy time at nursery and enclose a list of dates for your diary.

Primary 1 Transition Dates

Monday 11th June – 08.45 – ALL PRESCHOOL children to arrive at nursery , where nursery staff will                                                                   take them up to Primary 1.

10.15 – 10.30 – Break Time with buddies.  Please provide tuck/tuck money.

11.oo – Parents/carers to collect children  from Primary 1.



Tuesday 12th June – 08.50 ALL PRESCHOOL children to line up in playground for bell.

10.15 – 10.30 – Break time with Buddies . Please provide tuck/tuck money.

11.00 – Lunch in Dinner Hall.  Pizza and waffles, with a pudding.

12.00 – Parents/carers to collect from playground.


Wednesday 13th June – AM trip to Mill Farm. Leaving nursery 9AM sharp. No PM session.

Thursday 14th June –    PM trip to Mill Farm. Leaving nursery 9AM sharp. No AM session.

Monday 18th June –     Teddy bears Picnic.  please bring a packed lunch.

Tuesday 19th June – Nursery Sports Day.   AM – 9.45.  PM – 1.45.  Parents/carers welcome.

Tuesday 26th June – Nursery Awards Ceremony.  AM – 10.00 AM.  PM – 2.00 PM.

Friday 29th June – TERM ENDS.







Releasing the Tadpoles

Today the nursery boys and girls went up to Beechbrae to release our froglets.  They have really enjoyed watching our tadpoles growing up and changing into frogs, and were excited to release them into their natural habitat.

Before visiting the pond, Sammy from Beechbrae was kind enough to let us help harvest, and taste, some carrots. They were yummy.

The children loved pond watching and were able to see pond snails, tadpoles, water boatmen and lots more.

Thank you to all the adults who came with us today. We hope you had as much fun as we did.


Hello Spring

This week spring made an appearance and the children went on a walk to explore the changes in the environment. They were able to use the new  vocabulary they had been exploring during What’s in the Box play and discuss the growing plants and flowers, and baby animals such as lambs and birds.

They have also been busy planting beans and sunflowers in the nursery and we are watching how they grow.  Feel free to have a look at these with your child.

The pre-school children have begun their transition to P1 and will be visiting the class each week to have fun with Pirate Pat and their P1 buddies.

Can we please remind parents and carers that we do go outside in all weathers and ask that appropriate footwear, sun cream and hats, waterproof jackets,etc are provided.


PEEP                      Wednesdays from April 18th        AM 10.30   PM 2.15

Smart Start         Wednesday  25th April                  AM 9.00    PM 12.20

May Holiday       Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th May

Monday 21st May

P1 Transition      Monday 11th June  visit for ALL pre-school children  and Parent Induction Meeting

Nursery Trip to Mill Farm

AM children Wednesday 13th June

PM children Thursday 14th June

Nursery Sports Day 

Tuesday 19th June – time to be confirmed

Nursery Awards Ceremony

Tuesday 26th June                      AM 10.00      PM 2.oo

Term Ends        Friday 29th June