All posts by C Stewart

Welcome Back

Welcome back. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year.

We will be starting the new year at nursery with a new topic. Winter. As part of the topic, the children will be learning about the Arctic and Antarctic. We will discover the animals that live there, the weather and their place on the planet.

We will also be looking at winter where we live. This means the children will be going outside to explore and investigate the snow, ice and rain, so could we please ask that they are dressed appropriately.

Luckily, we have already had some winter weather which the children were able to explore and enjoy.

If you have any interesting winter stories about what the children have seen, or done, we would love to hear them. Just let a member of staff know.



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Happy Christmas

The children had a great time at the Christmas party yesterday. They played party games, danced and had party food. We even had a special visitor. Santa agreed that they should all be on the good list.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents, grandparents, carers and children for the generous gifts and cards that the staff have received and wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.

See you all on the 4th January

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Christmas Dinner

The nursery children went to the dinner hall for their Christmas dinner on Tuesday.  They had a yummy dinner of turkey, kilted sausage, potato croquette, roast potato, sweet corn and carrots. It was delicious. For pudding they had jelly and ice-cream. We thanked the dinner ladies by singing our Christmas songs for them.

The children wore the Christmas crowns they had made. I think you’ll agree, they all looked fabulous. Good job kids.



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Advent Arrives

Some of the children from the PM session helped to make our nursery advent calendars. They made a stocking for the AM session and a Christmas tree for the PM session. We think they did a fantastic job and look forward to opening it each day.

We are going to be busy in the run up to Christmas and have lots of dates for your diaries. On Tuesday 6th December we have our Christmas lunch. If you wish your child to attend, please return the order form with your £1 payment ASAP.

Our Christmas singalong concert will take place on Monday 12th December. Concert tickets are available from staff , free of charge, maximum of 4 per child. The concert is expected to last approximatley 15 -20 minutes. Tea, coffee and mince pies will be provided afterwards.

M&M Productions will perform The Wizard of Oz on Wednesday 14th December from 1 -2pm. Children from the morning session are welcome to attend the pantomime and should return to nursery by 12.50 sharp.

All children ( am and pm sessions) are invited to attend the nursery Christmas party on Tuesday 20th December. Please be at nursery for 9am sharp.

If you wish to volunteer as a parent helper for any of these events, please speak to a member of staff.

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Fabulous Firefighters

The morning children have been learning about people who help us and firefighters. Today they had a visit from some firefighters.  We had great fun sitting in the engine and wearing the firefighter hats. The firefighters showed us their equipment and told us all about their important job.



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Snow Fun

Last week, some of the morning children enjoyed playing in the snow.

Please can parents and carers ensure that the children have weather appropriate clothing, as we do go outside in all weathers.


Party Animal Encounters

The children recently enjoyed a very special visit from Chelsea and some of her animals.  We all enjoyed meeting the animals and learning about where they came from and what they ate. We met a rat, a corn snake, a monitor lizard, a raccoon, a tarantula, an opossum, a baby chicken, a tortoise and a rabbit, to name but a few.

Thank you to Party Animal Encounters for visiting us and all the generous donations that made the visit possible.

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