All posts by C Stewart

Mill Farm Take 2

The children from the afternoon session had a great time at Mill Farm.  They enjoyed the tractor ride, seeing the animals, soft play, and lots more besides.

We would like to thank all the parent helpers who joined us on our trip, we would not have been able to go without you.

We had a lot of happy, but tired children, on the bus home.

Mill Farm Take 1

The AM Session had a great time at Mill Farm on Wednesday.  They really enjoyed the tractor ride and the soft play session, along with seeing all the animals.

The trip was a great success and all the children went home happy, if a little tired.

We would like to thank all the parent helpers who attended the trip, as it would not have been possible without them.



Busy Learners

We have had a busy few weeks at nursery. The children have been learning about dinosaurs, numbers and money. We have also been drawing self portraits to learn about our facial features and our differences. Outside we have planting potatoes, harvesting carrots and discovering the insects that share our garden.

The next few weeks will be busy too. Please see the list of important dates below.

Preschool Transition Days – Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th June

Nursery Trips – Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th June

Health Week – Monday 19th June

Sports Day – Tuesday 20th June

Nursery Awards Ceremony – Tuesday 27th June

Teddy Bears Picnic – Thursday 29th June

If you have any questions, please speak to a member of staff.




Sheep, Dinosaurs and Forest Fun

The children were very busy last week. On Monday morning, they were visited by a Jacob Sheep and her two lambs, courtesy of local farmers Mr & Mrs Orr. The children really enjoyed meeting the lambs and learning all about them.

On Thursday, the afternoon children went on a Woodland Adventure with Sammy from Beechbrae. They explored the woods and found lots of insects..and a frog! He was very fast and hard to catch, but Sammy managed to get him.

Indoors, the children have been learning about dinosaurs and playing with the dinosaur swamp. Some of the morning children have even been trying to dress the staff up as dinosaurs.



A Woodland Walk

Last week the AM children went for a woodland walk with Sammy from Beechbrae. The children were able to explore the woodland behind the school, which forms part of the Beechbrae site.

During the walk, the children participated in a Scavenger Hunt to find a variety of woodland flora including leaves, moss, bark, grass, pine cones and flowers.  They done a fabulous job and found lots of woodland “treasure” to bring back to nursery.

It was then time to investigate some fallen trees that had began to rot.  The children really enjoyed pulling back the bark to see the creatures that lived there.  Slugs, wood lice, beetles, worms, and  other insects were all collected into jars and thoroughly inspected.

After  a walk to find a suitable spot for snack, the children built a big bug house from fallen leaves and branches, before returning to nursery.

The children had a fantastic time and would like to thank Sammy and all the parent helpers for making the walk possible. It was a great way for the children to learn about their local environment and the creatures that live there.

The staff are now looking forward to experiencing it all again with the children from the PM session on 11th May.  If there are any parents/carers who would like to join us, please speak to a member of staff.



New Term, New Nursery

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for the new term.  As you have probably noticed, the nursery has had a bit of a makeover while we were off. Thankfully, the children seem to like it. There is a new parent notice board at the door and our learning tree is now beside the smart board. There are parent feedback cards on the board. Please feel free to complete these.

We are trying to make the nursery a more homely place and would kindly ask if each child could provide a family photograph for our display.

A wee reminder that the children will be visiting Beechrae and any parent/carer helpers would be much appreciated. If you are able to help, or need further information please speak to a member of staff.


Happy Easter

This week the children have been busy with their Easter activities. Some of them enjoyed playing Easter Bingo with P7. We also had fun making chocolate Easter nest cakes and crowns for the school Easter Parade.

This term will finish on Friday 31st  March. We hope you all have a lovely holiday and look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 18th April.

A Tale, A Tea and A Treat

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to our session for World Book Day today. The children had great fun exploring the story telling areas and sharing their stories.

We hope you all enjoyed the session as much as we did and continue to explore your stories at home. 

Nursery News

The children have been busy at nursery.  Last week, some of the children enjoyed a nature walk. They were looking for signs of Spring and discussing the change in the seasons.

As some of you may have noticed, we have a new storytelling and library area.  The children are enjoying playing here and retelling last weeks story ” Owl Babies”.  This week our story will be “Old MacDonald Had A Farm”.

This week is World Book Day and we look forward to seeing some of you at our A Tea, A Tale and A Treat sessions on Thursday 2nd March.

Can we please ask that the children wear appropriate footwear and outdoor clothing as we do go outside in all weathers.  The children especially liked going out to explore the snow last week.

Can we also remind adults of our safety policy and ask that children remain inside the nursery building, unless accompanied by an adult. Can we also ask that the nursery gate is kept closed at all times and operated by adults only.



Junior Road Safety Officers Visit Nursery

Today, two of the schools Junior Road Safety Officers visited the Nursery and spoke to the children.  Caitlin and Sophie, from P6, discussed how to be safe near the road and helped the children to recognise different traffic sounds.  The nursery children were also given the opportunity to design a bicycle helmet on the smart board.

The nursery children really enjoyed their time with the Junior Road Safety Officers. Thank you Caitlin and Sophie.


All break for Mid Term Thursday 9th February

Nursery resumes Wednesday 15th February

School Photographs 22nd February

Parents Consultations Thursday 23rd March

All break for Easter Holidays Friday 31st March

Nursery resumes Tuesday 18th April




