Welcome Back

Welcome back everyone. The children and staff have all returned from the Christmas break full of energy and ready to learn lots of new things.

The recent winter weather has given us lots of learning opportunities and the children have been exploring the properties of ice and the animals that live in icy places, such as the Arctic and Antarctic.

We have also been learning about patterns, and how to match and sort. At home, you could help extend this learning by talking about things that are the same e.g colours, shapes, toys.

Over the next few weeks, the nursery will be implementing a new language strategy called Word Boost. We will still be using our Box Clever sessions, as we all know how much the children love this. The recent box ” Going to the Shop” also included a visit to the local shop, giving the children the opportunity to use their new language in a practical way.  More details of the new scheme will be follow.

We would like to thank everyone who bought a Show and Tell item in from home. The children loved showing off their presents from Santa and it was great to hear them using their describing words.

Could we please remind parents and careers that the children do go outside in all weathers, and ask that they have appropriate outdoor footwear and clothing.

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