Smart Start

Thank you to all those who attended our Smart Start sessions last week.  The children enjoyed showing you round the nursery and having you visit us to play.

We will notify you of the next event, once it has been confirmed.

Please could we remind parents and carers that the snack fund is not subsidised and nonprofit making.  It is funded solely by the parents/carers and we kindly ask that accounts be kept up to date to allow us to continue providing  this service.  For your convenience, payment can be made directly to nursery staff or via the iPay impact service.  The weekly cost for snack is £1.50, with an optional 50pence donation to our nursery toy fund.


Exploring Colour

This week in nursery the children are exploring colour.  They will  be participating in a variety of activities that will encourage them to match, mix, name and sort colours.  They will also be learning about shades of colour (light and dark).

Here are a few ideas so you can join in with this topic at home.

Colour Walk 

This is an easy, no preparation activity.  Simply talk about the colours you see when out and about, either in the car, at the shops or the park.  You can talk about the colours of cars, flowers, front doors, things you are buying from the supermarket. The list is endless.

Scavenger Hunt

You can hide items of your chosen colour, indoors or in the garden, and ask your child to find them.  If your short on time, you can do this activity without hiding anything.  Simply choose your colour and wait to see what objects your child brings back.

Colour Mixing

If you are feeling adventurous, why not get the paints out and experiment with colour mixing. We have included a chart to help.  Remember, it’s OK if you end up with a dark brown splodge.

The most important thing is that you and your child have fun.

Image result for color mixing chart


September Break

Nursery will be closed on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th September, 2018.