This week spring made an appearance and the children went on a walk to explore the changes in the environment. They were able to use the new vocabulary they had been exploring during What’s in the Box play and discuss the growing plants and flowers, and baby animals such as lambs and birds.
They have also been busy planting beans and sunflowers in the nursery and we are watching how they grow. Feel free to have a look at these with your child.
The pre-school children have begun their transition to P1 and will be visiting the class each week to have fun with Pirate Pat and their P1 buddies.
Can we please remind parents and carers that we do go outside in all weathers and ask that appropriate footwear, sun cream and hats, waterproof jackets,etc are provided.
PEEP Wednesdays from April 18th AM 10.30 PM 2.15
Smart Start Wednesday 25th April AM 9.00 PM 12.20
May Holiday Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th May
Monday 21st May
P1 Transition Monday 11th June visit for ALL pre-school children and Parent Induction Meeting
Nursery Trip to Mill Farm
AM children Wednesday 13th June
PM children Thursday 14th June
Nursery Sports Day
Tuesday 19th June – time to be confirmed
Nursery Awards Ceremony
Tuesday 26th June AM 10.00 PM 2.oo
Term Ends Friday 29th June