We hope the Nursery Closure hasn’t caused too much disruption to your day and that you are enjoying the snow.

We have a few activities for you to do with your child, both inside and out.

  1. build a snowman – can you think of words to describe how the snow feels? Can you see any shapes in your snowman?
  2. practice Boost Words – can you use any of your words to describe the snow?
  3. draw shapes in the snow – practice your squares, triangles, circles and rectangles.  Can you make any new shapes?


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A Great Wee Burns Supper

Thank you to everyone who attended our nursery Burns Celebration. It was a great success and the children really enjoyed their Haggis, Tatties and Neeps.

The nursery will be focusing on the properties of 2d shape and will be encouraging the children to find shapes in their everyday environment.  Parents and carers can help by looking for squares, triangles, circles and rectangles at home.

The children have also been interested in the Winter Olympics and we will be learning about different winter sports.

Box Clever contents will be focusing on the signs of spring and we hope to take the children on a spring walk – after the snow has cleared.

World Book Day is on Thursday 1st March and the nursery will be celebrating with a Book Launch. Parents and carers are invited to join us for stories, hot chocolate, croissants and toast at 10.30 (am session) and 14.30 (pm session). Children are allowed to come to nursery in their pyjamas