A Woodland Walk

Last week the AM children went for a woodland walk with Sammy from Beechbrae. The children were able to explore the woodland behind the school, which forms part of the Beechbrae site.

During the walk, the children participated in a Scavenger Hunt to find a variety of woodland flora including leaves, moss, bark, grass, pine cones and flowers.  They done a fabulous job and found lots of woodland “treasure” to bring back to nursery.

It was then time to investigate some fallen trees that had began to rot.  The children really enjoyed pulling back the bark to see the creatures that lived there.  Slugs, wood lice, beetles, worms, and  other insects were all collected into jars and thoroughly inspected.

After  a walk to find a suitable spot for snack, the children built a big bug house from fallen leaves and branches, before returning to nursery.

The children had a fantastic time and would like to thank Sammy and all the parent helpers for making the walk possible. It was a great way for the children to learn about their local environment and the creatures that live there.

The staff are now looking forward to experiencing it all again with the children from the PM session on 11th May.  If there are any parents/carers who would like to join us, please speak to a member of staff.



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