Nursery News

The children have been busy at nursery.  Last week, some of the children enjoyed a nature walk. They were looking for signs of Spring and discussing the change in the seasons.

As some of you may have noticed, we have a new storytelling and library area.  The children are enjoying playing here and retelling last weeks story ” Owl Babies”.  This week our story will be “Old MacDonald Had A Farm”.

This week is World Book Day and we look forward to seeing some of you at our A Tea, A Tale and A Treat sessions on Thursday 2nd March.

Can we please ask that the children wear appropriate footwear and outdoor clothing as we do go outside in all weathers.  The children especially liked going out to explore the snow last week.

Can we also remind adults of our safety policy and ask that children remain inside the nursery building, unless accompanied by an adult. Can we also ask that the nursery gate is kept closed at all times and operated by adults only.



Junior Road Safety Officers Visit Nursery

Today, two of the schools Junior Road Safety Officers visited the Nursery and spoke to the children.  Caitlin and Sophie, from P6, discussed how to be safe near the road and helped the children to recognise different traffic sounds.  The nursery children were also given the opportunity to design a bicycle helmet on the smart board.

The nursery children really enjoyed their time with the Junior Road Safety Officers. Thank you Caitlin and Sophie.


All break for Mid Term Thursday 9th February

Nursery resumes Wednesday 15th February

School Photographs 22nd February

Parents Consultations Thursday 23rd March

All break for Easter Holidays Friday 31st March

Nursery resumes Tuesday 18th April




