The 5 very hungry caterpillars

Dear all,

We have had a busy few weeks in the nursery, running two of our projects side by side.

Nursery to primary 1 transition has begun, and is going really well.

We were introduced to our dragon friend, who needs us to help him rebuild fairy land. All of the fairy tale characters have lost their homes, and need us to help them rebuild their lands in our classrooms.

The Primary 1s have been working very hard with their nursery buddy. More details of this, and pictures of their adventure so far to follow.

The very hungry visitors…

We have had 5 very hungry visitors in our classroom, who we have been watching very carefully.

Our caterpillar friends arrived as tiny little bugs, and have now developed into chrysalis.

We look forward to watching them very closely over the coming weeks,  and waiting for them to turn into beautiful butterflies.

The home stretch…

Well the countdown has begun to the summer holiday, and it’s going to be very very busy in the nursery.

Attached is the news letter, letting you know all the lovely things that we will be looking at in the nursery this term.


Also, the very important dates you will need to know:

Smart Start- 7th May

AM- 8.45- 9.15am   PM-12.18- 12.45am

Monday Holiday- 19th May

26th-29th May – Health Week

Thursday 5th June- Fairyland Open Morning

Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th June

P1 Transition Days for Pre-schoolers

Details to follow

Thursday 12th June- Mill Farm Trip

16th June- M+M Treasure Island (AM only)

17th June- Nursery Sports Day

19th June- Teddy Bears Picnic (details to follow)

25th June Nursery Awards Ceremony