Care Inspectorate Visit (SCISWIS)

Today the nursery were inspected by the Care Inspectorate.

Sarah Connell was our inspector and she spent the day with us today.

I am delighted to say that everything went well, and we will receive our report in due course.

Ms. Connell is available for anyone who wishes to speak to her at:

Thank you to all our parents and carers who helped out by filling in the questionnaires, speaking to the care inspectorate, and for your unending support of the nursery.

Miss Mitchell and Mrs Chalmers

School photographs

Just a quick reminder…
Tomorrow is photograph day. It is individual, and possibly family as well.
Make sure all children come with their usual sparkly appearance, and full school uniform.

This week on channel four it is Space Week, with feeds live from the international space station. Some of it may be appropriate for the children to watch. It starts at 9pm so you may wish to DVR it and watch little bits!

Pancake Tuesday

The nursery were very lucky to experience the culinary skills of Mrs Chalmers today. We ate a very yummy snack of crepe pancakes, expertly made upon the stove. Miss Mitchell even made an attempt to flip a pancake, which entertained the children greatly.

I hope you all enjoy your pankcakes for dinner this evening!