Calling all parents…

Dear All,

As the October holidays approach, and for some of you this will be your child’s very first term at nursery now complete! Well done, you all made it!

I have a rather odd request. Are any of you out there kite flyers? hobby? amateur? professional? or know anybody that is that you could put me in touch with.

As part of our weather project we will be looking at the wind, and the children are very interested in kites.

If you do, please let me know.

PM nursery, enjoy your October holidays. AM nursery, we will see you in the morning.

Miss Mitchell and Mrs Chalmers

First Week back Important Notes

– All children return to nursery Tuesday 29th October

– AM and PM nursery will have their Halloween Parties on the 30th October. (These will be during the nursery sessions) Children are allowed to come to school dressed for halloween.

-31st October, Halloween. The AM session have ‘beauty and the beast’ with the rest of the school in the morning. Both sessions may come into school dressed up on this day for the halloween parade  and to sing our Halloween songs for the other classes.

Zoolabs presents….snakes, scorpions and toads…oh my!

On Monday, both nursery sessions were treated to a session with Alana from Zoolabs.

Alana brought with her a range of weird and wonderful animals to teach us about using our senses.

Among those animals was ‘Stuart and Nibbler’ the rats, a lovely big toad, a tarantula, a scorpion who glowed in the dark and a very friendly snake.

All of the children were very brave and earned a certificate for the nursery for touching all of the animals.

Thank you to Alana for two very interesting sessions.

Note to Parents:

Some key vocabulary that we were learning

Hibernate. Nocturnal. Camouflage. Senses.


Nursery Photographs

Tomorrow is school photograph day.

I apologise for any confusion today. It appears that tomorrow’s photographs are the school ones and not the individuals. This is different from what it has been in previous years.

Remember to practice that smile in front of the mirror tonight!

A very special snack with P1…

Today the AM nursery were invited to a very special money week snack with the P1 class, Ms Fairnie and Mrs Gallagher.

The P1s had been working very hard to create sandwiches, cocktail sticks of sausages, cheese and pickled onions, and fancy iced biscuits.

The Nursery took their ‘pennies’ and P1 counted the correct amount for the purchases.

Thank you P1 for such a wonderful morning.

Money Week Open Day…

AM nursery:

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and family that attended our Money week open morning in the Nursery. The children really enjoyed having you all here. Mrs Chalmer’s and I were delighted to see so many of  you and have a good chance to talk to you all about the work we have been doing on money this week.

PM Nursery:

Thank you to all the PM mums who came to join in our open afternoon. It was great to have you here, and the children all enjoyed sharing their learning with you. Thank you for giving up your time!

Miss Mitchell and Mrs Chalmers

Nursery Money Week

After a very successful Book week last week, this week is Money week.

In the nursery we will be raising the children’s awareness of money and doing lots of money activities.

We have opened the Blackridge Nursery Shop, and the children are having lots of fun spending all their pennies. We have been exploring different ways to sort coins and notes and paying amounts in money play. We will add home learning ideas to the class blog shortly to get parents and carers involved.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday AM and PM for our Money Week Open Day!