Book Week in 5…4….3….2…1….

Happy Thursday evening!

Next week the nursery is gearing up for book week. We will be doing lots of activities in the nursery and there will also be a book fair at the school. Next week is a busy week with parent teacher interviews on Thursday from 4-8. Make sure to check with your child’s key worker if you are unsure of the time.

For book week, would all children please bring in their favourite book. Nothing that is too precious to them, or would be missed during the week. We will be sharing these with the class during the week, and all children will be given the opportunity to talk about their book during group time next week. Miss Mitchell and Mrs Chalmers will keep the books safe at nursery and return them on Friday.

Happy weekend PM nursery, and we shall see the AM nursery in the morning!

Autumn is coming…


Today is our Autumn walk day and I don’t think that we could have asked for a nicer day. The Autumn sun is shining, and it is just a little bit cold!

The AM nursery ventured forth looking for signs of Autumn and were able to find lots. Berries have begun to grow on the trees, acorns have begun to fall, and there were lots of brown leaves to be collected for our display.

The PM class helped Miss Bonnes to celebrate her birthday when we went on our walk. The sun was shining, but there was still lots of Autumn signs to see. We played lots of colour parachute games, and collected lots of leaves for our display.