Tag Archives: ECO

Spring has sprung….in P7a at least!


It might not feel like or look anything like Spring outside but, it’s a whole other story in P7 Science this week!  We are investigating how flowering plants reproduce so, it’s time for some dissection!

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Josh “It was more fun than a normal lesson!”

Ellis “I liked learning about the pollination, fertilisation and germination.”

Robbie “It’s cool to see the inside of a flower properly.”

Ryan “I didn’t know that was how flowers reproduced.”

Amber “I liked learning the parts of the flowers even though I sneezed a lot!”


Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

P6 are Water Warriors!

As part of Eco week P6 investigated how much water our families use a week – the results were quite scary! As a class we thought of ways we could help conserve water – we all need to do our bit for our future!

Article 24

You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well.


Click on an image below to enter our photo carousel.

P7a go Eco Wild!

During Eco week Primary 7a set themselves the challenge of creating life-like wildlife art work.   It took a lot of perseverance (and working through our frustrations)  to create images that had all the correct visual details that would bring our wild animals to life.  Have a look at some of our finished masterpieces!

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We also investigated food chains and webs in our science work, identifying ‘producers’, ‘primary consumers’ and ‘secondary consumers’.  We considered and discussed the changes that can happen in an ecosystem and to food chains when we make changes in our world.


It’s more fun that it sounds, especially when you get to learn by singing (and dancing for those who felt like it) the information!


Busy First Week Back for P4- Ecotastic!!!

For Eco week we have been designing a sleeve for a bottle of hot water to stop the heat from coming out. We worked in home teams to decide on the materials and how to wrap it. We took the temperature every ten minutes and recorded the results.

We learned how to make paper. Brooke thought that it was fun making it and getting her hands messy!

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P4 and P4/5 had their Easter assembly. Isabel thought that we taught the parents about the meaning of Easter and what happened after the story that we told from Darren. Amy and Adam handed over a cheque for £200 to Ms Barr for Jak’s Den Charity. This was money that the class raised through our Christmas enterprise work. Zoe thought that the assembly was a huge success and so did everybody else.

We had an Eco Wildlife Art competition. There were lots of super entries. Matthew from P4 won one of the prizes. Well done Matthew. We are very proud of you.

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P1b have been busy bees during Eco Week!

This week P1b have enjoyed working hard on all things eco!  We started off the week producing print outs of planet earth which we later decorated to make eco posters.

We also went on a wildlife hunt in the playground to get some ideas for the wildlife art competition.  We thought up lots of ideas and produced some super detailed drawings for the competition.

On Tuesday, we took part in another competition to design a new reusable bag for Asda.  We looked at some of Mrs Lloyd’s reusable bags to get some ideas and produced some fantastic designs.

On Wednesday ‘Bag Girl’ a recycling superhero visited Bankton to ask for some recycling help.  She taught the children all about the 3 R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle – and the boys and girls helped her to fight off a nasty garbage monster.  The children also successfully sorted a big pile of rubbish into metal, plastic and paper.  Well done boys and girls!

We also learned about different food groups this week and used this to help us design a healthy packed lunchbox.  We learned that protein helps us to grow, carbohydrates give us energy and vitamins and minerals from fruit and vegetables help us to fight off illnesses.

Well done boys and girls!

JYHS Cluster Successful PolliNATION Bid

The James Young Cluster Schools have made a successful bid for funding for a polliNATION project to plant wildflower meadows to attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

Children from all four schools met in Williamston Primary for a celebration photograph. We are all looking forward to saving our bees.

Many thanks to Ben Mason and Emma Colligan for representing Bankton.

Pupils from the JYHS Cluster celebrate a successful bid for funding
Pupils from the JYHS Cluster celebrate a successful bid for funding

Dobbies Visit P1a

Today, we were very lucky to be visitied by Laura from Dobbies.  She taught us lots of different things about plants and berries and even brought in some blueberries and raspberries for us to taste – they were yummy!  After our tasting, she let us plant a broad bean which we were allowed to take home.  We need to make sure we put our bean somewhere where it will gets lots of sunlight and need to remember to water it regularly.  It would be great to have some photos of the beans sent in as they are growing.  I wonder whose bean will grow the tallest?  The competition is on!!!

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Reduce, reuse and recycle with Rag Bag

Calling all parents and families – please support our efforts towards our fourth Green Flag – have a clear out of drawers and wardrobes and bring your old clothes in a sealed ‘Rag Bag’ to the front entrance of the school on Friday, 30th January. All proceeds will go towards spring vegetable plants for the market garden and bedding plants for our planters. Garden Groomers prepare your tools!