P2/3’s learning


Amy: In Number talks, we’ve been learning about the missing number. We had to work out how many beads are hiding under the box.

Ruaridh: we’ve been practising our bunny ears to show fast facts to 10.

Caleb: we painted our fingers and had to print it on the piano. We were making a pattern and had to match the numbers to the right colour.

Social studies:

Logan and Connor H: We were learning to sort dinosaurs into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Roxanne: We’ve been learning that a T-Rex eats meat and that is called a carnivore.



Sarah: I enjoy the monsters inc warm up in P.E.

Tobi: we have been practising our basketball skills in P.E.

Olivia: we had to bend our knees to put the basketball in the net. You have to look at the hoop so you can aim.

Michael: you need to aim for the box on the backboard.

This week in P3

We learnt about the different bones of the body, like your spine (back) your tibia and fibula (shin bones) and your femur (thigh bone). Also, we researched the organs of the body like the lungs, the kidneys, the bladder and the heart. We also practiced our number bonds using number bond bingo. We are getting really good at knowing what numbers go together to make 10. We used these to add past the friendly number


Owl Babies in P1b

Yesterday in class we were using our art skills to make our own baby owls.  We used torn up paper to make the owl head and body shape and stuck on eyes, a beak and some feet.  They are so cute and we can’t wait to put them up on our owl babies display!

In maths we had a go at number talks.  This is where we look at a problem/question and have a think about what we think the answer is.  We then share our answers and talk about how we worked it out so that we can find the most efficient strategies.  There are some hand signals that go along with number talks and we are looking forward to using these again next week.  The hand signals mean I am thinking, I have a strategy and I agree!  Can your child show you the correct hand signals?

Last Friday, P1b were awarded ‘Sammy the Sloth’ which is a reward for being the class who brought in the most healthy snacks during the week.  Well done boys and girls!


Today the nursery children had a visit form Lisa and her friend Dexter from Childsmile. This was to talk to the children about the fluoride varnishing some children will have next week and she used Dexter the puppet to demonstrate this on. The children listened well to the information shared with them and some children could remember gettin it done previously in nursery.

Sand Play

The children in the nursery have had the opportunity to play with resources in a different way to help extend their play and enjoyment.

The morning children enjoyed looking at the pattern from their gym shoes with one child saying that she had a wavy pattern. The afternoon children enjoyed the texture of the sand with one child making sand angels.

P3/4 Highlights

For Scottish Maths week we have been designing place value monsters to show our teacher our understanding of place value.


For Roald Dahl day we watched a video clip of the BFG catching dreams and then we wrote our own dreams in a dream jar.

IDL: We have been learning about the different inventions of Alexander Graham Bell such as a metal detector, as well as a device that can separate grain from husks and not forgetting the telephone.

Star of the Week (photo to follow)

Cameron Coward for always trying his best.




P2/3’s maths week

For Scottish Maths week we have been learning lots about numbers and sorting:


Neve: I’ve learnt that 6+4=10 in Number Talks.

Olivia: I’ve been practising my number bonds during Number Talks.

Logan: I learnt how to sort the emojis into groups.

Chloe: I learnt to make patterns with the shapes. We had to think about how to sort them by shapes and colours.

We’ve been reading James and the Giant Peach as our class Novel:

Roxanne: I’ve been learning about James and the Giant Peach. Aunt Sponge and Aunt spiker are rude and one is fat and the other is skinny.

For Roald Dahl day we read ‘The Enormous Crocodile’. We wrote words to describe the crocodile and painted crocodiles. We dipped objects in paint and used them to print shapes onto the crocodile. Well done to Conor M for speaking at the whole school assembly about our Roald Dahl activities.


What else have we learnt?

Conor M: This week we’ve learning ‘sh’ and ‘ch’. We sorted ‘sh’ and ‘ch’ words into groups.

Amy: We’ve been learning how to write small ‘o’ and capital ‘O’ for handwriting. We had to do peer assessments to vote for the best ‘o’ in our peer’s work.

Taiba: We learnt about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores for our Dinosaur topic.

Ollie: I’ve learnt that in school you always have to try on everything; maths, number talks and reading. We always have to keep on trying.

Roald Dahl Week

P7A enjoyed creating their own chocolates and sweets for Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory.


“It was really fun when we were making our own sweets and writing about them.” Jade

“I really enjoyed drawing and writing about our sweets.” Abi S

“I loved making our own sweets to put into Wonka’s factory.” Emma S.

Scottish Maths Week in P7

P7A have enjoyed completing a variety of activities and challenges during Scottish Maths Week.

“I really enjoyed it when we had to make marshmallow cubes.” Findlay

“I enjoyed making the tessellations because you had to be precise.” Ben

“I really enjoyed doing the Sumdog competition.” Cammy

“I found it very interesting when we got to create our own Pascal triangles.” Xander

It’s been a busy week in P3

This week (as always) has been a very busy week with the wonderful P3’s. We worked really hard using different materials, like feathers, felt and googly eyes to make birds for Mr. Twit’s bird pie. We then wrote out our own recipes for bird pie using ingredients and numbered steps. For Scottish maths week we solve a variety of different puzzles, our favourite was sitting the knights around the king/queen’s table. We also looked at the learning pit and created colourful and inspirational posters to help us when we get stuck in our learning. They teach us to persevere and never give up.

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